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Advice for further course of action (Reproductive tract bleeding)?


New Born Pup
Nov 5, 2023
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So, the post is about my 4.5 year old guinea pig Bean. About 4-5 months ago we noticed spots of blood and some solids (clot?) coming out of her reproductive tract, when we visited the vet he did an x ray and basically said that there were some growths in her uterus but he couldn't see them very clearly. He did give us an antibiotic for about a week and this seemed to help , she only bled once a little during the week. We went for a follow up afterwards where he said the only real solution was surgery but obviously it was somewhat risky.

Since the bleeding had basically stopped at that point we decided to give her some time to see what would happen, and for about 3-4 months things were good, she bled maybe once, didn't lose weight, had a good appetite, but she seemed to not enjoy floor time much anymore and preferred staying in her hidey. Well, 3-4 days ago she started bleeding again and this time it felt like there was more, so we visited the vet again. He palpated her and weighed her and basically said they were no cysts but most likely it was the growth in her uterus.

He also said however since the time between the bleeding was so long, it could just be something related to her heat period, but he was just guessing. According to my vet, surgery would only give her a 50/50 shot and he told us to observe her for another week and gave us some more antibiotics. My question is should we go for the surgery with such bad odds or let her go on as is? Our vet does not seem to want to operate on her and recommended we just keep an eye on her and manage symptoms.

If anyone has had similar experiences I hope they would be able to provide us with some help, also this vet is by far the most qualified vet closed to us so I don't think a second opinion is worth it, thanks.
So, the post is about my 4.5 year old guinea pig Bean. About 4-5 months ago we noticed spots of blood and some solids (clot?) coming out of her reproductive tract, when we visited the vet he did an x ray and basically said that there were some growths in her uterus but he couldn't see them very clearly. He did give us an antibiotic for about a week and this seemed to help , she only bled once a little during the week. We went for a follow up afterwards where he said the only real solution was surgery but obviously it was somewhat risky.

Since the bleeding had basically stopped at that point we decided to give her some time to see what would happen, and for about 3-4 months things were good, she bled maybe once, didn't lose weight, had a good appetite, but she seemed to not enjoy floor time much anymore and preferred staying in her hidey. Well, 3-4 days ago she started bleeding again and this time it felt like there was more, so we visited the vet again. He palpated her and weighed her and basically said they were no cysts but most likely it was the growth in her uterus.

He also said however since the time between the bleeding was so long, it could just be something related to her heat period, but he was just guessing. According to my vet, surgery would only give her a 50/50 shot and he told us to observe her for another week and gave us some more antibiotics. My question is should we go for the surgery with such bad odds or let her go on as is? Our vet does not seem to want to operate on her and recommended we just keep an eye on her and manage symptoms.

If anyone has had similar experiences I hope they would be able to provide us with some help, also this vet is by far the most qualified vet closed to us so I don't think a second opinion is worth it, thanks.

Hi and welcome

I am very sorry about your problems and worries.

Sows do not bleed when in season. Any bleeding from the reproductive tract means that there is something rather serious going wrong with either ovarian cysts (potentially cancerous) or with the womb. A full spaying operation may be needed if the womb is not looking good.
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)

Sorry that I do not have better news. :(

PS: I have had to emergency spay several 5 year old sows of mine for various reasons, including for cysts that would have turned cancerous within a year - that sow lived to celebrate her 8th birthday.