Hi everyone, I've never had piggies before and recently rescued a boar, Puddin, from a friend, who'd got it for her kids but ignored the poor little thing - everytime I visited it would be whizzing around wheeking loudly and even chiripping (not always a happy sound then?) and was so skittish and nervous because he never was handled or let out, save for being chucked into a little carrying box when his cage was cleaned :'( He's a cheeky little buggar, confidant and now fairly used to being handled and popcorns and tears around wheeking when let out for floor time. He can't keep still long enough to have a cuddle when he's on my lap but when I'm on the floor with him he's happy to jump on me and purrs when I give him a good stroke. I now have ANOTHER boar, same scenario - bought and totally neglected, not handled much or given any attention, so I was desperate to have him to give him a better life and was gonna be getting Puddin a friend anyhoo. Pie is a rex, bigger than Puddin and so gentle and laid back. I introduced them on neutral ground and Puddin is totally dominant, rumblestrutting and everything and Pie just sits there! There hasn't been any other agression so think it maybe ok to join their cages together (after a thorough clean and rearrange) - should I try it out and keep an eye on them? They're a year old approx. Also any tips on things to put in to amuse them both? Pie's still quite quiet and not that social, though he will have a very short cuddle, and I'm concerned that both of them will never be that enamoured of humans due to their neglected childhood!