Advice about keeping them indoors

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May 13, 2008
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I currently have 2 female guniea pigs that live outside but keep thinking about having them indoors. Do they smell? My bedroom id quite warm tho.
at this time of year i think its best to keep them outside especially if they are used to it
But in the coldest part of winter yep bring them in ;)
ditto the above advice.
I would add that it is possible to litter train piggies (albeit a bit hit and miss ::)) and it makes it easier when they are indoors. I find that megazorb reduces the smells.
Sorry but I'm in disagreement with the above. It won't do them any harm at all to bring them in unless your room is stifling hot. It's only moving inside to out that you should worry about. There's far less risk of heatstroke indoors and you don't have to drag yourself outdoors when it's miserable to see them.
Mine (3) live indoors, in our living room with us, and don't smell. The room isn't too hot in summer, nor too cold in winter, although we can use a fan or gentle heater if the need arises. They go out onto the grass when the weather is suitable, but only for an hour or two, and under supervision.
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