Adopting a new Guinea Pig?


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 21, 2020
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I'm thinking of adopting a new Guinea Pig to be with my male piggy Jorge. I have a hutch that has 0.91 metres squared of space, with a run that has 1.37 m squared of space that Jorge goes in nearly every day (unless it is raining) and the new piggy would join Jorge in. I am also thinking of extending Jorge's hutch by another 0.4 square metres. (But I just need to get the wood, and now is not the best time to get wood.)
I was just wondering if anyone had any bonding tips for bonding 2 boars together?
The process of how to do a bonding in this link below. However, as I said yesterday, a successful bonding comes entirely down to character compatibility and the best way of ensuring two pigs are compatible is for Jorge to choose his own friend via boar dating at a rescue centre if at all possible. The centre help find the correct piggy and do the bonding for you. You wouldn’t bring home a piggy that was incompatible.
If you were to go out and buy another piggy yourself, then there is the risk of failure as you have no idea of the new pigs character and there is a chance they won’t like each other. Should you go down this route you would need an extra cage to house the new piggy in the event of failure.

Also, as I said yesterday, the boars cage could not be next to sows as boars will likely fall out and fight simply by the smell of girls nearby.

Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs