Adopted Polar Bear Family thing today =]

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Jun 7, 2006
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I got a gift voucher fot WHSmith for Xmas from my uncle but there wasn't much in there I would get because it would just lie around and not get used or just get watched once. So I decided I'd get one of the Adopt a Wild Animal things. I was hoping for a Giant Panda but they didn't have any so went for Polar Bear Family. :D
how sweet think I would have gone for a polar bear as well they are dwindling in numbers becasue of the ice caps melting poor things and they are so desperate for food in Russia they are going into towns
It helps cubs that have lost their mums when they go to look for food and puts them with other polar bears that have cubs aswell so that they survive in the wild and don't end up in a zoo. :)
Where are you going to keep them :o ;D only joking. That's brilliant, its very rewarding knowing that you're helping animals. :)
how much does that cost? and what organisation is actually doing all this stuff? Or is it something WHSmith have set up themselves?
It was £25 they have some for £20. I thought it was WWF the ones in there but it goes to Born Free Foundation.
i think thats a lovely way to spend your voucher. My daughter started horse riding last august and she is horse mad, it's her birthday in march and for a little extra present for her i'm going to sponsor a horse at a sanctuary, she will get piccies and a certificate and updates and can go and visit it too! I think she will like it.

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