Adopted 3 Boars Together


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 5, 2017
Reaction score
Belfast, n.ireland
Hello I'm writing for help and some advice sorry for the grammar. Ok so I adopted 3 boars a few day's ago because I like to adopt it's all I've ever done although I donated to the charity. So everything is going really well with them. Nobody wanted 3 together people asked about talking 2 of them saying one is ugly lol a guinea pig just because of the colour like a grey and brown mixed. But anyway I know a boar group is rare and hard work never did it before but I took them anyway cause I felt nobody else would or would then sell one or whatever. But they are 3 siblings which is great. So the dominate one isn't a bully as I've watched for a few days. But the non dominate runt of the 3 rumblestruts and popcorns then the 3 go into a frenzy of popcorning is this OK? Then to me so far I haven't really seen one problem all talking between themselves no aggressive behaviour haven't even heard one squeal so far. They are settling in well to me happy very active although quick movement obviously they are running. So have I anything to look out for? They are young and I'm ordering a bigger c&c cage at the end of the month.
Yes with 3 males you will need as big of cage as possible 16 sqft minimum ..and popcorning is a good sign...only thing really is watch for major fighting and if you see blood seperate immediately...its good they are young but as the hit puberty being the same age could present problems as when the hormones kick in all hell could break loose so to speak but let's hope not and with 3..2 could bound leaving the other by himself but hopefully not only. Time will tell
Hello. Congratulations on adopting these 3 boars. Can I ask how old they are and what size cage you have?
With boars they need as much space as possible and as to whether a trio works or not depends entirely on their personalities. If they have not yet hit puberty then statistically it is most unlikely that they will last as a 3 until adulthood, however if they are already adult then there is a chance they may remain as a unit. There are members in here (and some owners I know who are not on here) who keep successful trios, however it does depend on their age and personalities.
Hello. Congratulations on adopting these 3 boars. Can I ask how old they are and what size cage you have?
With boars they need as much space as possible and as to whether a trio works or not depends entirely on their personalities. If they have not yet hit puberty then statistically it is most unlikely that they will last as a 3 until adulthood, however if they are already adult then there is a chance they may remain as a unit. There are members in here (and some owners I know who are not on here) who keep successful trios, however it does depend on their age and personalities.
Hi Yeah I have the in a 4x2 atm but I'm getting a 5x2 or 6x2 at the end of this month I've a spare small cage incase things go wrong but at the moment I can't see it at all they are all very relaxed just the non dominant rumblestruts the odd time but the dominant one and his follower isn't bothered lol. I'm not sure of there age but they are if I had to say around 6 to 8 months. As I said now basically 3 days not one bit of aggression. No nipping no anything when I get them out to clean there cage they're running around popcorning and doing laps. I know about trios being rare n stuff but they seem happy and fine imo.
Yes with 3 males you will need as big of cage as possible 16 sqft minimum ..and popcorning is a good sign...only thing really is watch for major fighting and if you see blood seperate immediately...its good they are young but as the hit puberty being the same age could present problems as when the hormones kick in all hell could break loose so to speak but let's hope not and with 3..2 could bound leaving the other by himself but hopefully not only. Time will tell
I thought all that you said and agree with It. As I said no anything just popcorning and all happy stuff. So it's going well atm but I have backup plan incase it goes wrong thanks