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Mar 15, 2007
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North Yorkshire
Any one know how old boars are when this occurs?

Spike and Buffy have been together now for 6 weeks and although I haven't seen them fighting it really isn't a match made in heaven. Buffy was certainly the boss when they first were together but after watching them today Spike appears to be challenging the authority and is forever rumbling.

Will his behaviour calm down?
I don’t know the answer but I am hoping someone else can offer some reassurance. I have 2 10(ish) week old boys that are constantly rumbling at each other although there has been no physical fighting. I am very pleased about that.

I know they are babies and one of them has to become the more dominant, I just worry about them.
:) With boars always be prepared for fall out. I recently had 2 year old littermates in that had lived together all their life and suddenly started fighting, have also had 1 year old brothers in. All my boars (pairs) go with a warning that this may happen and the owner must be able to cater for this when they adopt. I no longer pair up boars, they are castrated and go with sows unless they come in as a happy pair.

Only time will tell how things will turn out, it may calm down it may not. Unfortunately not everything is black and white with guineas, there are many shades inbetween :)
With my boar and sow he rumbles constantly. There is no teeth chettering unless they see me coming! Buffy though does tend to lunge forward at Spike if he tries to get in the good spot of the cage or will stand and the top of the ramp and refuse to let him pass. It doesn't appear to have scared him much though but just wondered if the lunging was a sign of dominance or not.
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