Adding prettyness to the shed

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jun 23, 2010
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Its girly, and pink and i think its fab (okay so it may look like a girls wendy house but i am a big kid at heart teheee :)) )! :)) Not quite sure what the boys will think though....


The cutest door handle:


The bright pink tiles (half price Self Adhesive Tiles in B+Q £3.80 (i think!) for a pack of six comes in pink, white and black):


and I then realised i need another pack whoops!:

:)) Well its almost there, i just need to get the curtains up, the light up and the boys in yay! :))
I love it. The boys can get in touch with their feminine side :))
Ssshh dont tell them but theirs going to be pink floor tiles in the hutch too...hopefully they wont notice! :)) Its a shame they dont have any blue tiles!
If they're comfortable with the pink it means they're very boarly!;)

I'll try and tell them that...dont know if it'll go down to well with Harvey he's deffos the big boss whereas Artie will love the pinkness he likes anything soft and squishy and is deffinitly a mummy's boy! :))
Its looks lovely and cosy. Can you turn the hutch round so its facing the door at all? Then you could put a small run down so they can run around on it just a thought. Mine is sectioned off so they get floor time during the winter.
Its looks lovely and cosy. Can you turn the hutch round so its facing the door at all? Then you could put a small run down so they can run around on it just a thought. Mine is sectioned off so they get floor time during the winter.

8... I wanted the hutch right at the back but its too long! I thought the hutch as 4 ft but its 5ft long :( I'll be putting them into the conservertry for indoor play time during winter (its not heated like the shed but both are insulated - I'm insulating the shed this weekend) :) So they’ll be getting lots of play time over the winter and not getting the change in temp too thank you though next time ill remember to measure the hutch properly before ordering a shed teehee
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