Adding Baby Boars To Bonded Pair - Can It Work?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Perth Scotland
Hi, looking for advice please. We have a pair of rex pigs, both un neutered boars (brothers)

Recently, stan became very ill. Luckily he seems to be on the mend but these pigs are nearly 4 yrs old now and it's got me thinking that, realistically, we could be down to one lonely pig within a year or two.

So - i wonder would it be possible to bond any pigs to our current pair? Space isn't an issue as we use C&C but would it be possible to have any pigs actually living in the same cage as our current pair or is that a recipe for disaster?

please let me know your thoughts and experiences!

Many thanks.

PS I put baby boars in the title thread as i am thinking that's what might be possible but if you think other ages/ neutered females can work pls let me know
I know most rescues pair a male and female that have been altered but with 2 makes idk if a female would be a great idea. I think if you were to add on and reconfigure the cage you may be able to add another boar but I've only had sows so maybe someone with boar experience can let you know.
I do know if they all had a "new" cage it would decrease territorialism and the more space the better but personality also matters
Thanks. I've just been reading the sticky in boar behaviour and it doesn't look too hopeful. Especially as the boars i have do quite often have a grumble and a rumble before settling. They've never really snuggled up together but they do rub along ok together.

i wish I'd just started off with a whole herd! these past 4 years have flown in, if i can't introduce more pigs whilst both stan and benson are together, i will definitely try to bond the last surviving pig to another friend
I have two boars as well and unfortunately I'm sure you've read that boar trios are the most unstable. If you have a pair of elder boars I wouldn't risk ruining their bond just because they are getting older. Let them live together happily. 100% adding a spayed female will cause them to fight over her. I think the best thing for you to do would to be to wait. If you want a herd in the future, I'm sorry if this is harsh, wait until they pass to rainbow bridge. Then start the herd with the new friend you introduced. This either has to be a fixed male or female as s/he would be adopted as a friend for the longest living of your current pair. Either that or when the time comes have the adopted pig (if male) neutered, wait 6 weeks, then go and get him some wife pigs I'm sure that would make him very happy. For right now let your boys be :) I'm sure they're still enjoying life and each other even if they aren't the cuddliest pair
Hi thanks. No, not harsh at all. I'd rather hear the truth as i had an inkling this might be the case.

Who knows - this pair might last another 4 years! It's only stan being so ill that's got me thinking of the future.

I'll need to practise some mindfulness and enjoy them whilst they're both here!
I really wouldn't do anything that might upset a stable bond between 2 boars. I'd only think about adding anyone if one of the existing pair died and the other was alone. Then you could take the survivor boar dating to find a new partner.
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