Adding Another Girl

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 8, 2014
Reaction score
West Midlands
I would like another girl to add to my existing pair. They are just over 2 years old and have always been together. I have heard it is easier to bond a very young sow to existing guins, is that right?
I would like another girl to add to my existing pair. They are just over 2 years old and have always been together. I have heard it is easier to bond a very young sow to existing guins, is that right?

Do you have a mixed gender pair or a pair of sows?

If you could stretch to adding two sub-adult girls (i.e. up to about 1 1/2 years old), it would be even better, so you can avoid any risk of an outsider situation. We have had cases where a closely knitted couple have refused to accept any addition of a single piggy; this often happens even more with a loved-up cross gender couple that is not inerested in any intruders.
When going from two to a quartet, then you create a mini-group with different dynamics. The existing hierarchy is not threatened (although you will see quite some dominance from the current undersow), but the youngster have basically got each other for company and can form another pair. Even better if they are already bonded. The top sow is suddenly promoted to head sow of a group and is not so bothered.

If you have a couple of girls and can't stretch past a trio, I would recommend to go and date them with a neutered boar (or several if necessary) at the RSPCA Walsall, The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue in Kidsgrove or at Honeybunnies near Leicester if you live on the eastern side of the region. A good standard rescue that offers dating is in all cases the best place to try and find a suitable addition without ending up with an unplanned mess in case things don't work out. You only come home with piggies where initial acceptance has happened, and the piggies are healthy, guaranteed not pregnant and their personalities are known, so if you have got a very dominant piggy for instant, they won't try intros with another very dominant sow or neutered boar. Well worth the extra effort, and well worth contacting all rescues you can get to! ;)
Rspca Walsall | Facebook or Walsall Branch - Home -
The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue | Facebook or Welcome to The Potteries Guinea Pig Rescue, a safe haven in Stoke on Trent.

Best of luck!
I have 2 girls. It feels like my options are to add:

1. Neutered boar
2. Baby sow
3. Pair of sows
4. Boar/sow pair.

Number 1 is my preference but it's hard to find one! Could people give me their opinions of each of the options, and about how easy it might be (I know it depends on personality) to bond them?
I have 2 girls. It feels like my options are to add:

1. Neutered boar
2. Baby sow
3. Pair of sows
4. Boar/sow pair.

Number 1 is my preference but it's hard to find one! Could people give me their opinions of each of the options, and about how easy it might be (I know it depends on personality) to bond them?
We at Barc have 2 young boars that are due to be neutered next week. They will be ready after 6 weeks. We can help with the bonding. All my pigs are in neutered boar/sow groups, its the most stable group
We at Barc have 2 young boars that are due to be neutered next week. They will be ready after 6 weeks. We can help with the bonding. All my pigs are in neutered boar/sow groups, its the most stable group

Hm that sounds good but as Sheffield is about 1.5 hours from me I assume you wouldn't be able to do my home check etc?
We at Barc have 2 young boars that are due to be neutered next week. They will be ready after 6 weeks. We can help with the bonding. All my pigs are in neutered boar/sow groups, its the most stable group

I actually texted Barbara from your rescue earlier this evening! Would you consider rehoming to someone a little further away? Could you tell me more about the boys?
Hi, yes l got your text! I am Barbara! They are both young boars about 6 months old. Trigger and Jeremy. Trigger is a black and white crested boar, very bouncy and friendly. Jeremy is long haired (sheltie l have been told?) and is beautiful but a bit more nervous. Both have failed boar dates and are due to be neutered on 24th October. They will be ready 6 weeks after but can be reserved. I will post links to their photos. Feel free to call me if you want to talk about it. We rehome anywhere within reason, providing we can assess the home you are offering adequately. Being a member of this forum helps!
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