Adding A Third, Or Fourth?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 31, 2015
Reaction score
west midlands England
Hiya, I introduced Tilly to my sugar after she lost her husboar earlier this summer, introductions went well, lately they are rumble strutting alot and sugar keeps telling Tilly off and going for her, I think Tilly is trying her patience a little. Would adding a third or fourth sow help with the dynamics? I have a 6 by 3 Home made cage so I definitely have room. Thanks
As far as sows go I'm no expert, but I have heard fairly often that adding a third sow helps the relationship between the existing pair. Considering I've never had sows and I cant say how far they differentiate from boars, I'm just going off secondhand information, but id say its a fair bet! Good luck with your pair, or trio if you do choose to expand. If you have a local rescue that you would be getting the third sow from, asking them for their opinion could be a good idea!
Hiya, I introduced Tilly to my sugar after she lost her husboar earlier this summer, introductions went well, lately they are rumble strutting alot and sugar keeps telling Tilly off and going for her, I think Tilly is trying her patience a little. Would adding a third or fourth sow help with the dynamics? I have a 6 by 3 Home made cage so I definitely have room. Thanks

How old is Sugar? If she is middle aged to older, there may be ovarian cysts developing, so any addition of other piggies won't change her dominant behaviour, only give it more scope.

I would recommend to either rescue date a neutered boar - he needs to get on with both sows or two younger sows (they will hopefull not upset the apple cart hierarchy-wise). Introducing a third sow to a dysfunctional pair can easily acerbate the situation and mean that you end up with a major outsider problem in my experience. 4 guinea pigs constitute a mini-group with somewhat changed dynamics and the outsider problem becomes a bit less of an issue.

Based on my own experiences with trios and quartets over the years, I would go for a quartet anytime! Trios and small groups are the most difficult to get right, as the personality mix plays a larger role than in a bigger group. If available, you could also consider looking for a young neutered boar/sow combo.
Sugar is coming up to one, Tilly is five months old and just finding her feet lol, I have seen a bonded pair that I was thinking of adding who are also five months old but I'm unsure if I am asking for more trouble :doh:
Sugar is coming up to one, Tilly is five months old and just finding her feet lol, I have seen a bonded pair that I was thinking of adding who are also five months old but I'm unsure if I am asking for more trouble :doh:

In that case, it is not ovarian cysts you need to worry, just a case of teenage hormones and dominance. Sows can have them as well as boys, only that they rarely end in fights and therefore don't get the press. She should grow out of it in a few months time.

You can try, as long as you can date the bonded pair. Alternatively, you could consider dating an adult pair of sows or a mixed pair, so they will come top (not quite to the liking of Sugar), but the age difference can help. In the end, it comes down to personality.
Thank you, I will see if I can organise some dating although sugar was the same with her husboar and he just submitted in the end for an easy life lol
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