Adding a new sow


New Born Pup
Aug 3, 2024
Reaction score

I have a trio of guinea pigs, they are all about 10 months old. A neutered male and 2 females. They all get on OK. The girls can sometimes be a bit moody with each other but nothing major and they are very happy piggies.

I would love to add another sow to our herd, to even out the numbers and because I have an obsession with them haha.

They live in a 4x3 C&C cage indoors.

Bonding with my boy and the two girls (they have been together since birth) was very easy. Is it likely to work as well with adding another baby sow? Or could this disrupt the whole ethos of the cage?

It’s not possible to ever give a definitive answer to this - in theory it’ll be ok but as always, it’s going to come down the character match of all piggies involved.
The best thing is to take them all to a rescue for dating so they can allow your pigs to decide if they want someone else and who that someone is.
If you were to buy a new piggy without being able to date then, as always, you would need the failure plan of the new one living alongside/or splitting your herd up so nobody is alone/matching a single with another new piggy.
A group of four is a perfect number but be aware that by adding a new sow, you could destroy the equilibrium of your group.
Adding babies or very young girls usually works best.
As was written above, dating is always the best option if available.