Adding a neutered boar in with two sows

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Jan 6, 2007
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The time has come for my neutered Boar Rimmer he can now join the sows. I am getting a bigger run this week and will be introducing him to my moody sows. So I want as much advice as you all can give tips hints I will be most gratefull of. I was thinking of putting them in the new run with a divider down the middle at first. Then after a few days of this taking it away and watching with nerves of steel ;D with towels at the ready to seperate should they start a fight.
Bit of background the sows have always lived together they are roughly a year old. The boar is now five months old and was neutered three weeks ago. They are all the same size wise.
thanks in advance for any tips,hints Michelle
I think that if you get them on the lawn with lots of space then that should be ok. They are used to each others smell. Maybe dont' give them as much food as normal one morning then at about 11 - 12 ish put them on the lawn so they will be pre-occupied with the grass rather than each other. Or I could be horribly wrong!


ps I'm not suggesting starving them.....I know how wonderfully spoilt your piggies are & they will probably be wondering where their parsley & romaine lettuce is if they are only offered pellets!
LOL Hils
Well today I just went for it. Yesterday I put them together and took Rimmer out after about two minutes I lost my nerve because he was snapped at ::) Today I put them all together and stood and watched while a lot of rumble strutting went on both sows sprayed him many times as if to say back off boy ;D and he was fine about it he still went back for another sniff ;D after an hour and a half watching I put Rimmer in a run alongside the girls to give them a rest ;) Then a few hours later I put him in with the girls again and all seemed fine. Then I noticed he was under a wood tunnel with both sows stood outside it I think he thought your not coming in here untill you let me have a cuddle ;D
I am going to keep putting them out in the run together for longer spells each time then put them all into the hutch in the shed untill the weather picks up.
sounds like everything is fine then eh? I hope they stay friendly ;D
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