Adding 2 Rescue Pigs

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 4, 2016
Reaction score
We are still trying to work out what to do for bereaved Treacle. Apparently the local pets at home shop has 2 females together available for adoption. Would this be harder for Treacle to try to put her with an existing pair?
It's a pretty good possibility that Treacle would be left out. Trios can be tricky. I had my original two girls and they were happy together then I rescued a third from horrible circumstances. The new girl Ivy really bonded with one of my original girls Clover. That left my other original Willow pretty much on her own. I ended up having to adopt a fourth piggy to give Willow some company.
Thanks we have been to look at them, they are just babies, about 10 weeks old, do you think that would help?
By no means am I an expert so I can't say for sure. I just know a trio didn't work for me and I've heard other people say trios usually leave someone left out. Having said that I think there are some people on here that have successful trios so it's always a possibility. Would you have room to add a fourth piggy if things didn't go well?
Hi, I have fostered several combinations of piggies and my last group were three happy females. If you are close enough to travel to any of the forum recommended rescues that offer guinea pig 'introductions/dating" you will have the opportunuty to allow Treacle to meet either a neutered boy or another female(s). That way Treacle can choose the companion she gets on with best. You would also have the expertise of the rescue to help you.
:agr: with @AuntyC that it would be better to go "dating " at a rescue so that you can find her a companion who she gets on well with.
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately the nearest dating place is over an hour away and they have no females at all currently, that's why we are looking at alternative action, the dating would be ideal but it doesn't seem feasible at this time and I'm not sure, can you "miss the boat" with leaving her on her own? Will she get used to it and resist new friends later?
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