Added a second level to piggy cage :)

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 21, 2006
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, England
Well..don't know if anyones read my posts but anywho ;)

Yesterday I added a second level to the piggy cage and have finished it today.

So now they're in a 2 x 5 1/2 with a second level which works out at 5 x 1 (but it's an L shape).

They havn't been up and down yet without me moving them lol but I just looked over and Pepper has gone up bless him :smitten:

Will take some piccies tomorrow :) Camera batteries are dead right now.

Jane :D
Aw thats great! Theyre so funny with ramps :smitten: should see how fast they can get up and down there! x
Fabulous idea love O0
Once they learn how much fun and where the other treats are ;) i'm sure they'll love it :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
My two wouldn't go up the ramp when I first added my second level, I had to help them for a bit, they soon got the hang of it though!
Bonnie loved it eventually and would go flying up and down it so quick the whole second level would shake! (it was very secure with connectors and cable ties plus a bent grid for support)!
Sounds great Jane, can't wait to see some piccies. O0
Well this morning there is poops everywhere ;D ::) so I'm assuming they're okay with the ramps :) Well I've seen them going up and down anyway and they're so cute.

Camera batteries are dead right now but will be charged sooon.
Well here are the piccies :)

Some are from last night and some are from this morning..if you can't work it out, the ones with poops, the nearly empty food bowl and the broken wooden thing and from this morning lol












;D They don't mind the bright pink fleece btw because they're real boars ;)

Look a bit empty on the bottom I know am adding some cosies and stuff down there soon :)
Looks great Jane, bet they love the space. O0 :smitten: :smitten:
Thats brilliant Jane.. You have built a real masterpiece for them
Did you make it all your self? Are they hard to make?
Oh wow after all that waiting it looks fab O0 Good job i bet they loove it :laugh:
Thanks everyone :D They seem to love it ;) I'm really happy with it too :)

Rach-x said:

Did you make it all your self? Are they hard to make?
Yep I did :) The whole cage is built be me - dad just gets in the way when I ask him to help lol! I found the whole thing really easy do :) Only thing I struggled with was when I cut the wrong cable tie and the whole of the second level fell on me and I was crushed ;D ;D but yeah was really easy :)
Where is it kept?
Hope you getting crushed didn't hurt.. Bet the guinea pigs were laughing at you ;D
Rach-x said:
Where is it kept?
Hope you getting crushed didn't hurt.. Bet the guinea pigs were laughing at you ;D
It's under my bed :) lol it's not as bad as it sounds, they're not suffocating under there ;D ;D I have a bunk bed, we just took the bottom bed out and the guinea pigs are under there :) Really useful because my parents can't complain they're taking up too much room mwahhahahah :D
That is cool! Should of kept my bunk bed.. but its gone now plus my room is too small now i have my cheeky chinnies :smitten:
Thanks Bon Bon :) I did it like that because I decided there would be enough room for a long ramp unless it was length ways and I didn't want that so thought of this :)
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