Adapting Hutches

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 9, 2009
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I know a lot of people add levels and adapt cages but has anyone changed their hutch. I was hoping to add another level to my hutch but not a whole level, just half, if that makes sense? I just wanted to give Barry and Billy something a bit different and keep it interesting for them. If you've adapted your hutch can you tell me what you've done? I'd like to add this other level to my hutch but I don't know if it will work, I'll try and get some photos and work out if it will fit.
Do you have a photo of the hutch you would like to expand?

When I only had 2 piggies, I had this hutch. They didn't seem to have anywhere 'private' to go though so my hubby asked a friend at work to make a kind of wooden box with a ramp leading to the top of it. I took down the wooden partition that separated the bed and living area, filled the wooden 'box' with hay and they used this as a bed and the top of the box as a chill out zone. As you can tell by the photo's, I added some fleece to make the top of the box more comfortable for them.







The hutch I'm hoping to adapt looks like this:

But if I wouldn't be able to adapt that I've got 3 other hutches I could try changing :))
I like your balcony type things in the hutches they look great
You could either do something like what Claire and Ruth has done (which look awsome, by the way!), or put a shelf all along the back of the hutch, maybe with ramps at either side. Then they could run laps on two levels!
Ok thank you, I think I'll try this. I get bored of the same old hutch and it can't be much fun for them with nothing to explore. My grandma was looking in the shed in her garden and found some old wooden cabinet doors which she said I can have, would these be OK to chop up and use in the hutch?
I think so long as there are no sharp edges, almost any wood is fine to use. With your existing hutch, I think you could easily add the balcony or shelf like suggested. Good luck :)
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