Achy wrists

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
County Durham
Immature Rant Alert

Sorry to waffle on about me, me, me but does anyone sometimes have really achy wrists? Sometimes my left wrist especially aches and since hurting it last year stupidly my right wrist aches at times too. I know it is only something small and I appreciate everyone out there has bigger problems than stupid achy wrists but you know it's pretty annoying at times.

What is all that about?
I sometimes get achey joints when the weather is damp, and I know after an injury, it can give you grief for a long time....
I get really bad wrists when I write. I blame the fact that I type much more than write by hand. o.o
Teenagers have it in their thumbs from to much texting
my SINGLE friends sometimes moan about this problem but can't work out why it would be just them instead of us with partners.................. ;)

only joking! :D just thought i'd lighten the mood cos it's a bit depressing on here tonight ?
ralfie said:
my SINGLE friends sometimes moan about this problem but can't work out why it would be just them instead of us with partners.................. ;)

only joking! :D just thought i'd lighten the mood cos it's a bit depressing on here tonight ?

;D ;D ;D
my left wrist is right now in a splint I have chronic degenerative arthritis in it and i only have to flick it back to end up in searing pain like i did yesterday, my arthritis started showing up when Iw as in my mid 20s now at 46 I am riddled with the damn thing its hereditery my nan have both types of arthritis and mums has it although not as bad as me and my sons Stuart and now Liam are showing signs they are 25 and almost 18, I maanged to clean my fur balls out last night with my splint on in my rubber gloves but jeeze did it hurt :o
ralfie said:
my SINGLE friends sometimes moan about this problem but can't work out why it would be just them instead of us with partners.................. ;)

only joking! :D just thought i'd lighten the mood cos it's a bit depressing on here tonight ?

You have no idea how tempted I was as well to ask Cashmincal what wrist action she had been doing to cause these aches ;D
my fingers dont hurt. my legs, stomache, neck arm...oh the list goes on does! xx0
Obviously I have no qualms :D
Was just trying to lighten the mood cos everywhere I looked last night there was either sad news, moaning and even darker stuff than that going on................ >:D
bev said:
ralfie said:
my SINGLE friends sometimes moan about this problem but can't work out why it would be just them instead of us with partners.................. ;)

only joking! :D just thought i'd lighten the mood cos it's a bit depressing on here tonight ?

You have no idea how tempted I was as well to ask Cashmincal what wrist action she had been doing to cause these aches ;D

ahaha I bet it begins with a W

writing!! ;D ;D ;D
get your minds out of the gutter :o
Luckily I wasn't sipping my drink than otherwise I would have had a sticky keypad 2funny
I get RSI in my right wrist sometimes if i'm playing too many hours of online gaming! hehe
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