Accomodation for 9-10 guineas

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 13, 2013
Reaction score
Hey guys!
Do any of you have A lot of piggies that are kept together? I currently have 9 that are not all together yet but plan is next year they will. What sort of outdoor accommodation do they have? I need to get new for Xmas even though I've only had my hutche at the moment for 3 months which cost a lot, but now need something bigger :-) do you have hutches or sheds, pros and cons of each? Any help much appreciated :-)
Thanks guys
Mine are all indoor - 7 at present but will go up to 8 or 9 - c & c cages are good but you can always think outside the box - I converted a huge solid pine bookcase into an indoor open cage by taking out the shelves,laying it flat and lining with correx to waterproof it - looked great with all my wood furniture.
I have 6 at present. 1 male, Mitch & 3 females, Minnie, Mother & Mousey in a large indoor run 2.5m x 1m. 1 female, Minky in 1.2m cage while she's suffering from head tilt. I male, Rex in a 1m cage while he's kept from females after his neutering op. The plan is to eventually split the big run down the middle & have Rex with Mother & Mousey in one side & Mitch with Minnie & Minky (when she's recovered) in the other side. The run also has food platforms at each end which gives more floor space downstairs.
I have 23 indoors piggies (the biggest group are currently 11) living in four groups in C&C cages.

The best way for big outdoors groups would be a dedicated shed; you could integrate any existing hutches as extra upstairs accommodation that is accessible by ramp.
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I have a herd of 10 together but they are indoors and free range in the room with hay kitchens and fleecy areas.
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