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Dental Abscess


New Born Pup
Nov 25, 2019
Reaction score
Hi, my poor girl started yesterday with an abscess it’s really big now and growing. Took her to the vets this morning and they said that it’s going to cost £600 for the surgery as it’s something to do with her molars. Does this sound a reasonable price.? Am I just going to be putting her through lots of pain with surgery and dental care for her not to survive it. She is a rescue guinea pig so I’m not sure on her age... please don’t think I’m just writing her off it’s attend a subject for us as we lost I’ll ask Guinea Pig who had a abscess on his tummy and died during surgery removing it. I’ve attached a couple of photos What I took yesterday and it’s doubled in size now can’t get a photo as she is hiding at bottom of her cage and don’t want to disturb her again. Please reply as soon as you possibly can as I have til 3pm . Many thanks 🥺


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I am very sorry. Which country and roughly which part of it are you located? We have members from all over the world. It would massively help us if you please added your country, state/province or UK county to location in your account details (accessed via your username on the top bar in order to make it appear with every post you make) as our answer can depend on your practical alternative options.

A dental root abscess is generally lanced, carefully flushed (something you should also continue to do at home) and the hole is stitched open (i.e. marsupialised) in order to allow the abscess to heal from the inside out and to flush out every last fleck of infection so there is no comeback. In addition to flushing the abscess twice daily for as long as possible (i.e. as close as 10 days as you can get), I have also been prescribed zithromax antibiotic in addition to the flushing.

If you can travel as far as Northampton, then the Cat&Rabbit would be the best place for treatment. It won't be cheap but noticeably less expensive than the sum you have been quoted; it depends on which tooth is abscessed and whether it may need to be removed or not. An incisor is about 4 cm long and can be difficult to get out. Specialist medical treatment with a booked appointment does count as a legitimate reason for travel.
Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic | Northlands Vets
Dental abscesses are not a death sentence, but you need the right vet to deal with it. As already mentioned, if you're in the UK, I would strongly suggest you get an appointment at the Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic, in Northampton, before making any decisions. Simon and Kim are amazing vets and can sort these abscesses out, once and for all, at a reasonable cost too!
Dental abscesses are not a death sentence, but you need the right vet to deal with it. As already mentioned, if you're in the UK, I would strongly suggest you get an appointment at the Cat and Rabbit Care Clinic, in Northampton, before making any decisions. Simon and Kim are amazing vets and can sort these abscesses out, once and for all, at a reasonable cost too!
Thank you I did contact the cat and rabbit but nothing til Monday and the speed of the abscess needed today..vets we use are specialist in small animals, so they were the next best thing..they have just phoned and she has died in surgery...devastated x
I am so sorry to hear you lost your sweet girl.
Be kind to yourself - you clearly did everything possible for her, and she was lucky to have such caring and devoted owners.
I am so sorry for your loss.
You did everything possible for your lovely girl and you gave her a home full of love.

Be gentle with yourself as you grieve