My rainbow girl Grace had a facial abscess about 6yrs ago.
My vet put her on zithromax for about a week I think it was, the abscess didn't go down on its own .
So the vet was going to try & remove the whole pus capsule,but there were too many nerves, etc that the abscess had grown around,so he removed what he could as the zithromax had dried out most of the pus &made it flaky.
He then marsupialised (stitched the wound open) so I could flush it a 2 or 3 times daily with baytril.
Grace stayed on the zithromax for nearly a month in total . She had loxicom/metacam for the pain.
I had to remove the scab on the wound daily to flush it through with baytril, abscesses heal from the inside out.
If there's a small speck of infection left in her wound when it's closed over it will develop into another abscess & u'll be back to square one again
Here's Grace's thread but it's quite old now.
Grace - Abcess Brewing?
Grace kept her appetite throughout which was lucky,as it meant her teeth were being worn down evenly
But I did have some supreme recovery sachets here as backup in case she lost her appetite.
@furryfriends (TEAS) is the abscess Queen
If you're bathing/expressing it daily it sounds like you're doing the right thing , maybe phone the vet &see if they can suggest flushing it with salt water/hibiscrub or maybe baytril like I did with Grace to help it heal from the inside quicker?
she heals quickly xx