About Laptime And Boar Genitals..?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 14, 2015
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Hey so yeah, two questions. First about laptime, I'll put two videos, one of them is black, but the sound is what matters. Are they happy? I really can't understand them.. :( Hahah please excuse my voice in one of them. :))

And the second question, I was checking their genitals today (two boars), one of them had white stuff all over his penis, cleaned it. Then the other, I couldn't get his penis out. I've been able to before, but I just couldn't today (he was being extra squirmy, too).. I'm just wondering, could I hurt him doing this? I'll try again tomorrow and I'm a bit scared. Also if there is something and it's dried, how can I wash it off? Just clean warm water?
:D I haven't had much experience with boar bits, so I can't help you there.
But the noises that your piggies are making in the videos are perfectly normal. They are just talking to you. They sound quite content and are enjoying their cuddles! :tu:
Haha, thanks :) I thought so too, but I wasn't sure, because most of the time they start wiggling around on my lap and don't want to stay still, so I thought maybe they don't like being on my lap. Even though a few months back (when they were about 2 months old) they'd stay on my lap for a long time, now they're very interested in going back to the cage or trying to climb into my clothes etc. :))
I have to be honest - I have never managed to get their winkies to pop out. Am always worried about hurting them particularly as they are so wriggly and get stressed when I try. I do find that if they have developed sperm rods they get really stinky (think mouldy scampi fries) so tend to give them a bum bath and give the area a clean with warm water and cotton wool pad.
I have to be honest - I have never managed to get their winkies to pop out. Am always worried about hurting them particularly as they are so wriggly and get stressed when I try. I do find that if they have developed sperm rods they get really stinky (think mouldy scampi fries) so tend to give them a bum bath and give the area a clean with warm water and cotton wool pad.
Today was the first time I got Gnar's thingy totally out, I was really worried I'd hurt him, since he was trying to turn around all the time. I'm sure I couldn't turn my back like he did today, trying to get back on his belly hah..
Proper chatterboxes!
Yup :love: Especially if you have food haha:))
My boys don't do laptime very often but they do jump onto me when I sit on the floor. They are proper divas.
If you have some coconut oil it can help soften his bits :)
Yes agree with Abis - don't tend to mess with extracting the willy unless there is an obvious issue that needs intervention eg swelling and then I would be off to vet if needed. The skin is pretty thin and delicate in that area you have to be careful. On a daily basis I just have look at the 'bits area' check all looks fine. Sometimes you may find some gunk which needs a little bum bath or I even use baby wipes for quick sorting out.
Yes agree with Abis - don't tend to mess with extracting the willy unless there is an obvious issue that needs intervention eg swelling and then I would be off to vet if needed. The skin is pretty thin and delicate in that area you have to be careful. On a daily basis I just have look at the 'bits area' check all looks fine. Sometimes you may find some gunk which needs a little bum bath or I even use baby wipes for quick sorting out.
I'm so confused, I don't remember if I read it somewhere or if I was told, that you should check their bits every week or so (including extracting the willy).. I haven't done it though (because they both were/are perfectly fine), just twice (I've had my boys since 1st of November) I think, last time it was because both of them somehow had little bits of hay under the skin. Also yesterday Sneaky had white stuff all over his willy, I cleaned it, but should he be able to clean it up himself?
Guinea pig body quirks
This thread is worth a read and mentions boar cleaning - and other things
I think there is a difference between the looser skin ie the penis sac around the penis and actually extracting the willy. I do remove stray bits of hay and sperm rods from the penis sac ie outer skin when needed but I don't extract the willy every week. But like you, I do think I have read that somewhere as well! See what others say @MerryPip ?
Guinea pig body quirks
This thread is worth a read and mentions boar cleaning - and other things
I think there is a difference between the looser skin ie the penis sac around the penis and actually extracting the willy. I do remove stray bits of hay and sperm rods from the penis sac ie outer skin when needed but I don't extract the willy every week. But like you, I do think I have read that somewhere as well! See what others say @MerryPip ?
Thanks, I'll definitely read it. It's written there that sperm rods are uncomfortable for them, but are they painful too? I'm sorry I'm asking so many questions haha. :D And is there anything I could do to keep them from getting these (I hope you can understand, I'm not that good writing in English, I'm from Estonia :)))? I just my piggies to be as comfy as possible :)
Padraig (who is 17 weeks and hormonal) has bits of hay in his penis every day! His brother Seamus probably has hay stuck in every other day. If the hay is not sticking out of it then I find small bits of hay inside. Boars can get also get hairs wrapped around the base and this can be very dangerous if the flow is restricted. I've had boars in the past too and have always regularly checked/extracted their penis' and in some boars the white stuff can indeed build up. I've never injured them and it is not something I like doing (it is quite gross and smelly actually) but I do think it is important. I've never had one 'stuck' though so I can't advise on a recommended course of action.
Padraig (who is 17 weeks and hormonal) has bits of hay in his penis every day! His brother Seamus probably has hay stuck in every other day. If the hay is not sticking out of it then I find small bits of hay inside. Boars can get also get hairs wrapped around the base and this can be very dangerous if the flow is restricted. I've had boars in the past too and have always regularly checked/extracted their penis' and in some boars the white stuff can indeed build up. I've never injured them and it is not something I like doing (it is quite gross and smelly actually) but I do think it is important. I've never had one 'stuck' though so I can't advise on a recommended course of action.
Oh my, they really know how to make things hard huh :) Actually both of my pigs are around the same age as Padraig! :)
@MerryPip is currently working on a boar care guide for this forum. :)

Please gently wash off/gently remove any muck with some cotton dipped in hand-warm water or olive/coconut oil.

There are two things that build up over time in the penis sac. The one is smegma, which is basically a mix of dead skin cells, oils and dirt. If there is a lot, it can harden over time and become rather crusty.
The other thing is any excess of semen (also otherwise know as 'boar glue' for very obvious reasons); it is also very stinky. In extreme cases it can form painful hard rods running along the penis. This is a lot less common, but happens more often with pre-adolescent hormonal boys.

But I would not panic if you cannot express a penis all the time. Eventually you will get the hang of it, and that should be enough. Some boars are decidedly messier than others.

Gently pluck off any hay and hair stuck in his bits. Guinea pigs have a scent gland, which they rub on the floor to mark their territory. Both genders do it, but sows not quite as often as boars and with less messy results.

Should your boys ever develop a very strong smell around the bum end, please see a vet promptly to help you clean out the bits and if necessary treat any infection that has been caused by semen rods or impaction although with somewhat regular care and control, it should never get that far.

I clean my neutered boars' bits about once a month; minus their "treasure chest" aka testicles, they have got less of a cavity for muck and impacted poo to collect although their penis does have the same issues. I check for hay and hairs (especially with long-haird piggies in a group) every time I cuddle my boars, as hairs can loop around a penis and cut off the blood supply (it looks blueish in those cases). This doesn't happen often, but it is one of the things to keep in mind.
Sorry I'm late to the messy boar party ;)

I think everyone else has mentioned all the things I would have. I don't tend to extract a boar's penis often, usually only if I am having a thorough check up.... Usually it's just keeping an eye on them regularly and making sure you pick out any bots of hay, fluff or hair that are trapped up there. If you have long haired piggies like my last foster pig, that was a 4 times daily occurrence! He always had his hair stuck up there! We ended up trimming everything in the surrounding area really short so it didn't get caught (rather difficult with a wriggly 12 week old piggy...) but the dirty wee boy still managed to get his leg hair trapped up there and found moving around rather difficult until we freed him! You gotta love boars....
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