About Hay Racks

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Barrett Bonden

Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 25, 2014
Reaction score
I purchased this hay rack expecting the guinea pigs to make good use of it, but they really don't seem interested. They pull the hay out of the rack and just spread it about and sit on it. Very occasionally they will use it as it should be used, but not often. For instance: I just noticed that there wasn't much hay in it (all spread around the bottom as usual) so I topped it up, but no interest was shown. I put the same hay on the floor of the hutch and they were on it in seconds, and still munching as I type. So I'm wondering if this is a peculiarity just to my piggies or do others behave in this manner.

I'm thinking that I'll try the hay rack for their vegetables to see if they will take them from it and just put the hay on the floor of the hutch. My one concern in all this is that they are not getting enough hay.
Personally, I think guinea pigs prefer a big pile of hay on the floor as they like go play in it as well as eat it. It helps ensure they never run out of hay. My piggies love the hay pile and hide in it too.
i had hayracks but the girls didnt want to know, they prefer it in their litter trays
I started off with hay racks, have same as both you @Barrett Bonden & @Chief Guinea Pig. But the boys managed to cover half their cage with it & drag some into hideys, tunnels etc I now use corner litter trays for the hay since toilet training failed. The boys still pull out the hay & drag it everywhere. But they also enjoy jumping into the trays & laying there munching away so I reckon they're happier even if I'm not :))

Your hay rack might be great for vegies. My boys like to pull their vegies out of hanging wire balls. I might re-cycle the old hay racks myself into vegie holders.
My boys do use their hay racks, they make a bit of a mess but they still eat from them. I like them because it keeps the hay clean and whenever I top them up the boys get really excited. But they do also like hay on the floor so they can play in it too. What I usually do is I have 'bedding hay' (the cheaper, more plain stuff) and the 'food hay' (the more expensive stuff with plants in it) mixed together in a cat litter tray in their outdoor hut where there's plenty of space for it because they'll eat the good stuff first and then still have the other hay left to play in and in their indoor cage I have two hay racks with the food hay in them and bedding hay scattered on the floor. It works well, lets them eat their favourite hay while it's clean and dry and play around in the other hay. I'm not sure if that made any sense :D
Hay racks are essential if you are using a stalky hay such as timothy. I have learnt the hard way after hay pokes to the eyes that you have to be extra careful what hay you put on the floor! I use a lovely very soft hay I found at the minute for haypiles / floor from JTF. It is lovely and long but very soft and thin. Then I put any treat hays and timothy hays in racks so they cant burrow (and risk eye injuries) in it.
I use a c&c grid bent for a hayrack but then under that I have a large rabbit litter corner tray and I also fill that with hay for burrowing/sitting etc. Once they have eaten their fill from that they start on the rack.
I have the same hay rack (paid well over the odds for it as well :/) but my boys have never been interested in it and only ever go to their hay tray - I don't bother with the hay rack anymore!
I just have self made (quite poorly) hay bags and a little tray full of it for them to play in. I got a hay rack a while back but they never use it so I just leave it out for them during floor time if they fancy a snack.
I use a hay rack, and it's essential for my boars. One of them is freakishly tidy for a pig, and he absolutely WILL. NOT. eat hay that he has stood on. They do pull quite a bit out and sit on it, but if I just put a pile in they won't eat it as well as sit on it. Cheeky beggars!
I am wary of hay racks as I have read stories of piggies getting trapped by their necks in them with sad consequences :( I wouldn't use one that they can climb into. I do use bird fat feeder cages that I hang in their home full of hay but you do have to be careful that they don't pull sharp bits down into their eyes.
I have tried my boys with a hay rack and they will not use it. They love to run in their hay and hide in it
I use hay for their bedding which is a cheaper hay that they eat but don't like much and ontop I scatter meadow hay and Timothy hay so they have a variety.
Personally I don't think a hay rack holds enough hay anyway especially since they need it 24/7. Ik people use the pets at home one but I think that's way to small and it's pretty impossible to get the hay out. I understand hay racks help to keep hay from being unsoiled but u should buy one (like u have) where it's deep and the gaps are big enough for them to pull the hay out x
I used to love my hay rack but wanted something different as it was big and plastic making and just looked silly on the side of my cage and would always leave hay all over my floor.
I've never wanted to use a hay tray as i don't like the thought of them eating what they wee and poo on, so instead i made a hay bag which keeps the hay really tidy and my pigs love it! It works for me and is cheap and cheerful, easy to move around the cage and adds a bit of colour while preventing lots of fall out onto the cage floor.

Personally I don't think a hay rack holds enough hay anyway especially since they need it 24/7. Ik people use the pets at home one but I think that's way to small and it's pretty impossible to get the hay out. I understand hay racks help to keep hay from being unsoiled but you should buy one (like you have) where it's deep and the gaps are big enough for them to pull the hay out x

The pets at home ones do hold a good amount if you stuff a lot in, I have two just to make sure but they always have plenty. The boys have no problem getting it out and they can also stand up on them and eat right out of the top. I think a mix of hay on the floor and in racks is perfect, allows the pigs to choose for themselves.
@twiams i agree, I love hay bags! U can get nice patterns and colours of the bags and they look really cute! I might make one x
@gwinnypiggylove lol we just have different opinions x
My boys can't stand on their hind legs and when they try they fall down haha it's cute. I'll try and tape them doing it. I agree with the hay on floor and rack thing. X
Many thanks to you all for your helpful comments, and very useful suggestions. :) I think it's going to have to be a bit of trial and error though - just have to see which option they prefer.
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