Abbysinian Behavior?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 20, 2017
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Hello :)
My boar, named Boo, is an Abyssinian. He is a sweetheart, but very spunky! He's super mischievous. Whether it's digging under his fleece, ripping his hay rack off the cage, picking fights with his brother, you name it, he's always finding ways to get into trouble. He is also extremely loud when he wheeks! I actually think it's pretty adorable, but i was wondering if anyone else has an abby who is this mischievous?
Here's a photo of my Boo:

Abys can have what we call "abytude", but guinea pigs of all breeds can have funky personalities. Generalisations with guinea pigs are just not possible! There is always one to prove you wrong!

Is he a single boy or has he got a companion?
Abys can have what we call "abytude", but guinea pigs of all breeds can have funky personalities. Generalisations with guinea pigs are just not possible! There is always one to prove you wrong!

Is he a single boy or has he got a companion?
I have heard of abytude, and my Boo proves it exists! Haha. He lives with my other boar, Piggy. They get along great, although Piggy doesn't always appreciate Boo's rambunctiousness.
My Abby can be very vocal and she's the boldest of my trio.

Only ever had one Abby before who had a very short life unfortunately but she was full of character. She'd run up the stairs but make us fetch her down again and she'd open her box door when she wanted to go in again and she'd close it after her!
My dearly departed Bumble was an Abby - much more pigsonality than all the others - and when he passed I knew I had to have another Abby boar (as boars seem to be more loving than sows and he loved a back massage ) so I now have an Abby sow called Bumbalina (in honour of Bumble) - very sassy lady - and an Abby boar with a little bit of something else thrown in and he also loves a back massage - where as my Abby sow doesn't - ( might just be a boar thing ) - all my boars do seem to be more affectionate than my sows whatever breed .
My abby is the grumpiest, cheekiest sow I've ever met! She is alway the one destroying things, making a mess and first to shout for veggies! She's recently turned 6 and was spayed two years ago as had ovarian cysts. . Certainly hasn't changed her at all!

She is top pig and always has been. .. she used to dominate her first companion who was a boar (neutered ofcouse! ) yet she is the only one that didn't bully fudge when she got Ill. To assert her dominance with her, she gives a gently nudge or lifts fudges head up with her nose.. to assert her dominance when a 12 week old sow arrived, she nearly took out her eye! They now just live as a pair and my other two in a separate pair.

IMG_1594.webp Peanut is a crossbreed I think Abyssinian with a Peruvian and I've never had a piggie like him he's crazy. He's the only one that runs up to me to get petted and sits to let me pet him. He popcorns on command! Lol. He's quite a character and I wondered it it was due to him having aby in him.
My two are abysinian cross peruvians. They are very vocal and protest in the strongest terms about any kind of handling!

My Aby Spike is full of abytude. Nothing I ever do is right and he lets me know by head butting things round his cage. When I pick him up he stamps on my hand. He has to be hand fed the first few bits of veg and he lets me know it's not good enough by throwing it down on the fleece and looking up my sleeve to see if there's anything else, once he decides that's all there is he starts eating his rejects. I could go on but this would turn into a book!

Little Bracken who is Aby crossed with a long hair looks like he may go the same way although he is being upstaged at the moment by Willow who is probably a texal or texal mix.
The piggy in my avatar was an aby called Toffee. She was the maddest, most characterful piggy I've had in years. She was utterly fearless. We currently have a "teenage" aby called Holly who is also a bit of a pickle. I love aby piggies.
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