A Year Ago Today.. A Forum Anniversary

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Staff member
Nov 10, 2009
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Today is a special anniversary for the forum.

A few of the older members will remember, that a year and 5 days ago the forum was taken down by a huge hack that exploited vulnerabilities in VB forum software. It looked very bleak for the forum indeed and we thought we had lost it forever. No one I had contacted showed any interest in job of fixing it and I was quoted around £300 a day to even look at it.

The future looked bleak as neither Debbie or myself had that sort of cash. It was then I was contacted by @BossHogg he said he knew a technical wiz who may be able to help, this young gentleman turned out to be @Falken who contacted me and asked if I would like his help with the removal of the hack. What happened next is history and today the forum is busier and better than ever. Not to mention completely secure and spam free.
Falken kindly gave the forum a huge amount his of time and his skills freely and wouldn't accept any kind of payment in return. He has stayed with us since that day despite not having any piggies himself and as well as being a wonderful member of our community, I am pleased to be able to count him as a great friend.

In saving the forum Reece has helped countless guinea pigs indirectly, by giving owners a place to discuss medical issues and help spread the word of Guinea Pig Rescues across the internet.

He probably gets bored of me saying it :) but he is one of the most kindest individuals I have met and I can never thank him enough for saving this wonderful community that we all belong to.

Thanks Falken :)
A big thank you again for saving the forum and for sticking around to help with all the shifts, improvements and all the kind and patient help for members with technical issues, especially those who are not very savvy like me!
When I first joined @Falken helped me with up loading photos. I have only been on the forum a month or so, I have already met @blade100 and rehomed two piggies off the forum! Such a lovely group of piggy owners and obviously computer whizz kids.
Its wonderful to know that despite all the gloom and doom in the world there are still decent human beings out there who will help without thinking " what's in it for me". Thank goodness for @Falken
Thanks @Falken this forum has given a lot of people valuable information and a lot of joy. :tu:
Yay @Falken! :yahoo:This forum is without a doubt my favourite online place to be, and the people I have met in the flesh are all as fantastic, kind and friendly as they are on here. Long may it reign!
It's a lovely friendly forum and although I have rehomed my piggies to @Treacle on here I will still pop in and post pics of my ratties and GSD.
It's also nice to see and read updates on teddy and pigson :)
I hadn't long known Reece, he was pointed in my direction to help me move my own forum from a hosted free platform to my very own software on an independant server. I had purchased the domain name and Reece had done the data transfer. We were busy setting up the new forum when TGPF was attacked. I asked if he was able to help and of course the rest is a very happy history. ;)
Three cheers for @Falken, without whom none of this would be possible. Its not just piggies he has helped but also the many slaves who often have nowhere else to turn.
Wow! I didn't know it was that bad!

Thank you so much for saving so many piggies, providing us a place to share a passion and find like minded friends and for just being there when we need someone. You are a 'virtual' best friend.

I don't know where I'd be without this forum. Thank you x
I was on the forum when it was hacked. The screen changed telling me I had been hacked and there was music playing. It was quite worrying. But thanks to @Falken I now have no worries when using this helpful forum. It's so thoughtful of him to help the Forum to continue on to this day and help so many people with so many different issues.
Like others I was also on the forum when it was hacked...very worrying time but between Falken and a number of others the forum was saved.
Thanks do much Falken. This forum I a haven for so many of us piggie lovers and those needing help with piggies. Thanks to Falken...and others this forum has saved many piggies lifes...for that alone and so much more I thank you x
I remember chatting with Lee (Sport_billy) and it all seemed so bleak and hopeless. I was totally gutted that it looked to be lost. So many memories and so much information all gone, but then along came @Falken and saved the day (and the forum). I can never thank you enough, Reece xx
Thanks everyone :)

The sheer hell of having to sit through this for several hours on permanent loop was worth it:

Google insists it is called "Syrian Arab Army Song About Men".

I did consider returning them the favour and forcing them to listen to Crazy Frog.

I can't really say much more but it wouldn't have been fixed without the ingenuity, help, support and trust of @sport_billy, @furryfriends Excellent Adventure Sanctuary & @BossHogg.
Oh God no again, that song :))

Yes, should have Crazy froged them or David Hasslehoff! :)
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