A work in progress..new cage

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So I pretty much dedicated today to finding supplies to build the boys' new home. (Called walmart and they said they didn't carry the cubes) First stop: Target.. I asked if they had wired grids, cubes, whitmore storage cubes, NOTHING..they looked at me like I had 3 heads, I looked and looked..and nothing :( Next stop: Sign-O-Rama.. absolutely refused to sell me a sheet of cloroplast. Third stop: Home Depot..this one was interesting, I even found it for the employee online and he told me he's never heard of it or seen anything like it. :-\ Last stop: Petco .. I picked up another water bottle so the boys can each have their own, 2 pigloos, new litter. I have been browsing a lot of websites with home made cages and I got an idea.. I have two under-bed storage steralite containers , place them side by side and the measurements are 6 3/8" tall , 44" long 39 1/2" wide, , I could put something similar to grids to border it and maybe when the boys are doing okay together I can cut the middle so they each have access to both sides? Good idea/ bad idea/ suggestions?
Thats strange as target do sell the grids in the home section-they are actually shelving grids :-\

New so far:

I know the walls aren't tall enough, I have a bunch of boxes right now on the outsides until I figure out how to enclose it .. I think I'm going to butcher the old cage and somehow make a fence.. also I plan on getting ceramic bowls and puppy pads instead of newspaper..and those are fleece beds in the igloo thingies. ;D But does this look better so far ?
what bedding do you use ? :)
and yes i agree with you about the tallness of the cage - looks like they can just walk out ;D ;D
Yesterdays News is the bedding. I wasn't sure if they'd walk out until I saw one crawl his way over to the other side ;D
Oh i see ;D no i mean whats on top of the newspaper ?

oops typed too late and you replied ;D

Oh right O0
Thanks for the ebay link, something like that would be perfect, but they all only service to the UK... everything good for them is in the UK. :-\ I wish I could make something for them as elaborate and better looking like all the ones you guys have but I'm working on a budget and lack of available supplies :(
Awww dont worry about it too much :) Its not your fault ~ You can tell your trying your best to provide them with a great lifestyle :smitten:
wow! they are cheap compared to grids in the UK!

I'm sure people have used those before, there must be a way to get round the bottle issue. ill have a think
right now I have a piece of the store bought cage seperating the two sides until my boys are done with treatment so the water bottles are attached to that part of the cage, maybe when they are better I can put the divider on the outside and keep the water bottles attached to that and use the poly grids to border the rest..well I've still got time anyway :)

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