A Week With 'bunny' Food

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Mali's Mum

Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
Stirling, Scotland
Hi all, I had been reading a lot of the food reviews and decided to give 'Bunny' guinea pig food a go on @helen105281 recommendation as she has conducted a lot of research and concludes this is best.
Also my Boar, Mali, is getting on the tubby side according to the vet so I thought I better take some action.

So last week it arrived: image.webp

My guinea pigs had been eating this before:

And absolutely loved it - they could quite happily go through two bowls a day which i thought they must need if they kept eating it- little did I know it contained molasses (sweetener) so no wonder they couldn't get enough.

So back to 'Bunny' - The nugget/pellet itself is quite big so they don't need nearly as much as other guinea pig food image.webp

On day one I mixed it in with their normal food as I didn't want any tummy upsets but only their normal nuggets were eaten - sigh. I suppose it must be like going from coco pops to Musli. I would rather have coco
Pops too!

Through the week I have been gradually decreasing their normal nuggets and have started to see them nibbling on the Bunny pellets - no full ones eaten yet but I have found them hidden in their igloos or in their hay so they must be warming to them slowly. I'm still trying to finish their old nuggets off so they are now used for treats.

Bunny is very expensive compared to other brands of food but will last so much longer so they are stuck with it. When they have scoffed their last nugget they won't have any other choice, But in terms of health they are drinking more and eating so much more hay it can only be a good thing.

Will keep persevering....
So pleased you are trying the Bunny. It does take some getting used to, but mine are all now converted, some love it more than others (though no pig could love it as much as Mrs Fuzzy). It helps to break the pellets up, though some of mine do prefer them unbroken. I am forever finding them in pigloos too, they seem to like to take them off and nibble at them.

With mine I have noticed a lot more energy and those with Interstitial cystitis have not had any flares recently.
I went cold turkey from Excel Nuggets to Bunny. Took some getting used too. The bag didn't last too long, I ordered just the one bag and whilst it's expensive, I think it's decent. I put a small bowl of nuggets in and they went mad for it...they prefer Nuggets but Bunny is staying on the menu.
very interesting. how long does a bag of bunny last compared to a bag of the burgess?

We are still on the first week but I have noticed a bowl of Bunny lasts two days or so where as I was filling up their bowl twice a day with Burgees. Maybe because they don't like it as much though!
I went cold turkey from Excel Nuggets to Bunny. Took some getting used too. The bag didn't last too long, I ordered just the one bag and whilst it's expensive, I think it's decent. I put a small bowl of nuggets in and they went mad for it...they prefer Nuggets but Bunny is staying on the menu.

Totally agree with sticking to Bunny - Tough love is the way forward!
Thanks for sharing your experience with Bunny food. I am awaiting delivery of a bag tomorrow and hope my four will take to it.

Great - can you let me know how your 4 get on with it?

I have discovered my two eat more of it if we put their veggies on top of it - some of the flavour from the veggies must seep into the Bunny so they find it more palatable!
I just looked and my oxbow also has molasses in it :(
How can I get bunny in the USA? I even looked on eBay and nothing? Does zooplus ship over the pond?

Oxbow is still better than a lot of brands. I am not sure if they do ship abroad, they may do, have a look on the shipping info on the site.

I think someone is putting together information for US pellet brands, like I am doing the UK one.
Oxbow is still better than a lot of brands. I am not sure if they do ship abroad, they may do, have a look on the shipping info on the site.

I think someone is putting together information for US pellet brands, like I am doing the UK one.
Yes a USA pellet list would be great! Right that's why I got oxbow, but I wish it didn't have all that sugar. No wonder they eat so much of it.
I am struggling to get my 4 to eat Bunny. My two four year olds just ignore it. So I gave in to them and put a bowl of Burgess and Pets at Home pellets. My other two boars are separated at present due to a fall out after a failed 4 week bonding attempt. The 6 month old seemed enthusiastic when I put the bowl in and my 3 year old also sniffed. But very little has been eaten. I will attempt a mixture of pellets and bunny tomorrow. How is it going with you @Mali's Mum ?
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I am struggling to get my 4 to each Bunny. My two four year olds just ignore it. So I gave in to them and put a bowl of Burgess and Pets at Home pellets. My other two boars are separated at present due to a fall out after a failed 4 week bonding attempt. The 6 month old seemed enthusiastic when I put the bowl in and my 3 year old also sniffed. But very little has been eaten. I will attempt a mixture of pellets and bunny tomorrow. How is it going with you @Mali's Mum ?

I feel your pain- my two don't think much of it either but as we are getting into the 3rd week they are getting used to it and I am seeing a bit less in their bowl than before. I have found puting their veggies on top of the bunny helps them to eat it more- maybe some of the flavour runs off.

Have you tried breaking each bunny bit into smaller pieces? This seems to help my two.

I just keep telling myself that it's good for them and they will eat it if they are hungry. It's better than feeling them chemical sweetener!

Hope this helps x
With mine it took one group a good while to eat it and in the meantime they had endless amounts of all types of hay so did not go hungry. Now all of them eat it though not as much as their old food which they ate way too much of anyway.

Another good grainless pellet is the Vitakraft Emotion Prebiotic also from Zooplus which is my second choice pellet.
I feel your pain- my two don't think much of it either but as we are getting into the 3rd week they are getting used to it and I am seeing a bit less in their bowl than before. I have found puting their veggies on top of the bunny helps them to eat it more- maybe some of the flavour runs off.

Have you tried breaking each bunny bit into smaller pieces? This seems to help my two.

I just keep telling myself that it's good for them and they will eat it if they are hungry. It's better than feeling them chemical sweetener!

Hope this helps x
Yes it did use a sharp knife to cut the Bunny up. Had to chase the pieces round the kitchen! I will keep trying though. It's good the hear that you aren't finding it easy so it's not something I'm doing wrong. If I ever get a young guinea pig I know I will just give them Bunny from the word go!
With mine it took one group a good while to eat it and in the meantime they had endless amounts of all types of hay so did not go hungry. Now all of them eat it though not as much as their old food which they ate way too much of anyway.

Another good grainless pellet is the Vitakraft Emotion Prebiotic also from Zooplus which is my second choice pellet.
Thanks Helen I will keep going with Bunny but if necessary I will try Vitakraft.
With mine it took one group a good while to eat it and in the meantime they had endless amounts of all types of hay so did not go hungry. Now all of them eat it though not as much as their old food which they ate way too much of anyway.

Another good grainless pellet is the Vitakraft Emotion Prebiotic also from Zooplus which is my second choice pellet.
I will have to see if they have that here in the states. I know we have vita craft. I just got more oxbow. I find it so hard to regulate how much they eat with three of them. I might have to start using the pellets for snuggle time.
Interesting thread. I love Zooplus but haven't heard of this food before. Would this be cost effective for a herd of 8 pigs? Does anyone with a large herd feed this?
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