I usually recommend against having boars in a trio, by the boar rule - two's company, three's a crowd! But I've got a baby boar Kyle who sadly lost his friend and has been lonely, and no single boars at mine at the moment, so I took a chance yesterday and put him out in the run with Zippy and Sirius Black. These two have lived in a trio before quite happily, a combination of Zippy being laid-back and un-boar like, and Sirius being a bit of an invalid. Luckily they were ok with him, and went back into their big hutch with him quite happily overnight!
Nice to know it works sometimes! I know I was risking ending up with 3 single boars but I know Zippy and Sirius so well, I wouldn't have tried it with any others of my bonded boar pairs.
Nice to know it works sometimes! I know I was risking ending up with 3 single boars but I know Zippy and Sirius so well, I wouldn't have tried it with any others of my bonded boar pairs.