A Tail Of Two Naughty Piggies

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2010
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I have two very naughty piggies.

Sitting downstairs last night, I heard what sound like heavy banging. It was just after midnight. Travelling upstairs I saw Ryou happily greet me in the door way. The two naughty little ones had escaped... AGAIN. I managed to seal the corner of the cage that they escaped from last time, but they found another way to escape from another corner.

Enjoy the video. I now need to find where I can buy some more of those plastic things that you put on CC so I can put it on the top part as Ryou has figured out how to wiggle the cage bars out of the ones at the bottom. He is so naughty.
Haahahha naughty creatures! The video does work, you have to wait about 30 seconds for it to load.
Haahahha naughty creatures! The video does work, you have to wait about 30 seconds for it to load.
Oh thank you for posting that! I was growing worried!

Aren't they? Ryou is an escape artist. He just loves to run around the house and gets upset when you won't let him.
Maybe you should change Ryou's name to Houdini, after the famous escapologist, he would certainly live up to the name. What a very clever piggie!
Maybe you should change Ryou's name to Houdini, after the famous escapologist, he would certainly live up to the name. What a very clever piggie!
Ironically I named him after the 'good' version of a character who has a demon inside of him named Bakura. I wish I had named him Bakura as hes taking after the demon rather than the angelic Ryou.

Guinea pigs just LOVE being naughty! Hahahaha x
Oh they surely do. I've had 3 very naughty piggies in my years of owning them. :))
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