A Pair Turned To Trio?

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2010
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Out of curiosity, is it okay to turn a pair into a trio? How well do they work out? I know obviously one guinea pig can be left out but how often does this tend to happen?

I have Ryou and Sakurai and though I have no immediate plans to get a third piggie I have been thinking about it. Sakurai seems like she would profit from having a female friend because although they get on well together, Ryou is just a bit too 'macho pig' and I often notice him roughhousing and then poor Sakurai getting in the way accidentally. He tends to jump on her if shes in the hay box and he wants in and then she flees and I've noticed she's never really got over being skittish after I put him with him but instead got worse (when she was in a single cage while he was healing from neutering she was becoming a brave pig). If something sets him off, like him thinking its clean out time, he chatters his teeth then runs and this makes her very paranoid and runs nonexistant danger. He's a bit OTT with all of his actions and I just feel bad for her as he acts like its the end of the world and knows it isn't but she thinks it is. He's also very well built. All muscle and fat and with 250grams more in weight.

I thought maybe if I introduced an older, calmer and braver female piggie she might feel less skittish because of Ryou's actions and she could cuddle up to the more tame piggie. Do you think this could work or should I just leave them as a duo?

I know he's not bullying her as they do like to sleep together. Its more the fact hes a very energetic OTT guinea pig whereas she is a very submissive and quite skittish one, so any quick movements from him tend to send her mind into danger zone. I thought she'd learn to get used to his silly actions and ignore them but they have been together since Feb 2014 and he still does it and she still reacts.
well I can understand why your considering it, having just completed my first bonding attempt ever successfully I am really excited about it now haha! it sounds like she could benefit a friend and someone else to distract Ryou sometimes. i have heard of many successful m-f-f trios but it all comes down to the piggies and their personalities. I think if you can logistically do it and handle the situation if it doesn't work then go for it! Talk to some rescues see if you can get a date with a rescue girl
well I can understand why your considering it, having just completed my first bonding attempt ever successfully I am really excited about it now haha! it sounds like she could benefit a friend and someone else to distract Ryou sometimes. i have heard of many successful m-f-f trios but it all comes down to the piggies and their personalities. I think if you can logistically do it and handle the situation if it doesn't work then go for it! Talk to some rescues see if you can get a date with a rescue girl
Thank you :)

Yeah I had planned to get a rescue girly as I always support rescues over pet stores.
I'm glad m-f-f can work out. I'm sure he'd be happy with an extra girly anyway.
Thank you :)

Yeah I had planned to get a rescue girly as I always support rescues over pet stores.
I'm glad m-f-f can work out. I'm sure he'd be happy with an extra girly anyway.

Do some more research of course I am not the most experienced on here I'm sure other members will be way more helpful to you, i try to support rescues but I spent the last year trying to find a friend for nemmy from a rescue and just had no luck at all... i didn't even secure an appointment to visit one, let alone a boar date it was just such a waste of time and poor nemmy spent a year alone. I thought long and hard before i chose to get a new baby for him and even then chose from my most trusted independent pet shop. I'm really glad I did. after all its not an animals fault where they come from its where they go that counts :) hopefully you will have a lot more luck than i did and with a girl will hopefully be easier :) pigs love living in little herds :)
Do some more research of course I am not the most experienced on here I'm sure other members will be way more helpful to you, i try to support rescues but I spent the last year trying to find a friend for nemmy from a rescue and just had no luck at all... i didn't even secure an appointment to visit one, let alone a boar date it was just such a waste of time and poor nemmy spent a year alone. I thought long and hard before i chose to get a new baby for him and even then chose from my most trusted independent pet shop. I'm really glad I did. after all its not an animals fault where they come from its where they go that counts :) hopefully you will have a lot more luck than i did and with a girl will hopefully be easier :) pigs love living in little herds :)
I'm sorry. I had the same thing happen with one of my pigs and I ended up getting one from a pet shop too.
I'd hope finding a single female would be easier though I know often piggies are paired and I definitely can't have four as much as I wouldn't mind that.
I have just turned my duo into a trio. I have had Primrose and Jambo since June this year. Both just over a year old and from the amazing April Lodge GPig Rescue in Kent. About 6 weeks ago I happened to look on Gumtree and a saw a single female, just over a year old, being sold. We went and fetched her and after being checked over by Val from April Lodge, we introduced them. So far so good. They get along although aren't BFFs just yet! Primrose is in charge (I was surprised at that) and Jambo makes sure Margaret(!) keeps in her place. He isn't nasty to her, just makes sure she knows he is above her in the hierarchy and she oftens whistles to let him know she gets that! I think, and I only have very limited experience, that one of the key things is making sure they have enough space to get away from each other if they want. Good luck if you get another one! :D
Out of curiosity, is it okay to turn a pair into a trio? How well do they work out? I know obviously one guinea pig can be left out but how often does this tend to happen?

I have Ryou and Sakurai and though I have no immediate plans to get a third piggie I have been thinking about it. Sakurai seems like she would profit from having a female friend because although they get on well together, Ryou is just a bit too 'macho pig' and I often notice him roughhousing and then poor Sakurai getting in the way accidentally. He tends to jump on her if shes in the hay box and he wants in and then she flees and I've noticed she's never really got over being skittish after I put him with him but instead got worse (when she was in a single cage while he was healing from neutering she was becoming a brave pig). If something sets him off, like him thinking its clean out time, he chatters his teeth then runs and this makes her very paranoid and runs nonexistant danger. He's a bit OTT with all of his actions and I just feel bad for her as he acts like its the end of the world and knows it isn't but she thinks it is. He's also very well built. All muscle and fat and with 250grams more in weight.

I thought maybe if I introduced an older, calmer and braver female piggie she might feel less skittish because of Ryou's actions and she could cuddle up to the more tame piggie. Do you think this could work or should I just leave them as a duo?

I know he's not bullying her as they do like to sleep together. Its more the fact hes a very energetic OTT guinea pig whereas she is a very submissive and quite skittish one, so any quick movements from him tend to send her mind into danger zone. I thought she'd learn to get used to his silly actions and ignore them but they have been together since Feb 2014 and he still does it and she still reacts.

Adding just one piggy to a well bonded pair can be extremely tricky and may not work out. A newbie is often made rather felt not welcome. It all depends very much on the pair and their dynamics.

Introducing two preferably bonded younger sows that do not upset the existing hierarchy is going to move the dynamics and behaviour into the "small group" category. With adding a couple of already bonded sows, you are also avoiding an outsider problem. In my experience, it is so much easier with sow or neutered boar/sow pairs if you avoid trios, unless you have got a well bonded pair of sows and introduce a neutered boar of their liking. If the sows are not friends, you inevitably end up with an outsider problem from what I have witnessed with a variety of constellations. With three ladies, Ryoku should find a lady to have a romp with him and enough girls to keep him on his toes.
Adding just one piggy to a well bonded pair can be extremely tricky and not work out. Introducing two preferably bonded younger sows that do not upset the existing hierarchy is going to move the dynamics and behaviour into the "small group" category. With adding a couple of already bonded sows, you are also avoiding an outsider problem. In my experience, it is so much easier with sow or neutered boar/sow pairs if you avoid trios, unless you have got a well bonded pair of sows and introduce a neutered boar of their liking. If the sows are not friends, you inevitably end up with an outsider problem from what I have witnessed with a variety of constellations. With three ladies, Ryoku should find a lady to have a romp with him and enough girls to keep him on his toes.
Sadly as ideal as that would seem I don't have enough funds for that many guinea pigs nor the room in my cage but I could fit a third in and still have space. I would not take a female home unless I knew for certain the pairing would work out as they would be tested at a rescue and as my Romano is getting old, my backup plan is pairing the female with Bakura after getting him neutered.

As I mentioned its just an idea for now on if its possible to have a trio. I appreciate your advice and experience. Thank you.
Sadly as ideal as that would seem I don't have enough funds for that many guinea pigs nor the room in my cage but I could fit a third in and still have space. I would not take a female home unless I knew for certain the pairing would work out as they would be tested at a rescue and as my Romano is getting old, my backup plan is pairing the female with Bakura after getting him neutered.

As I mentioned its just an idea for now on if its possible to have a trio. I appreciate your advice and experience. Thank you.

I would in any way recommend dating at a rescue with any small groups; you avoid just so much trouble! ;)

If you already have the second girl and are considering trying her with your existing pair after the death of her companion, then it is certainly worth a try before you resort to plan B. I would just not recommend adopting a single new sow to join an existing pair.
I don't see an issue adding another female into your existing pair. Rory lived without a problem with Abigail and Maggie.
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