Hello. I am a brand new piggy owner. I "rescued" Penélope from my university where some idiot was breeding to see genotypes. inbreeding She was around 12 weeks old when I took her just before easter.
I decided to put her in "quarantine" before finding a friend for her. but now the time has come for a buddy! |)
So my dilemma, she currently lives in her ferplast 140 inside my apartment. But now that I'll be finishing uni in 2 weeks and I'm moving back home, I thought of buying a hutch or playhouse for her and her new pal to be for the summer. We have a lovely garden at home and i think it would be nicer for them outside. we have 2 crazy dogs and a cat inside and they cause a racket all the time!
Which of these would be more suitable?
http://www.homebase.co.uk/webapp/wc...artNumber=1730386&Trail=searchtex t>PLAYHOUSE
I really dont like the hutches, to me they feel clausterophobic, but am i right in thinking the double hutch would have more floor space than the playhouse?
Would the playhouse pass RSPCA standards as I'm looking for a rescue?
Thank you for helping me and sorry for going on and on. I love Penélope and I want the best for her! x)
Katy x>>
I decided to put her in "quarantine" before finding a friend for her. but now the time has come for a buddy! |)
So my dilemma, she currently lives in her ferplast 140 inside my apartment. But now that I'll be finishing uni in 2 weeks and I'm moving back home, I thought of buying a hutch or playhouse for her and her new pal to be for the summer. We have a lovely garden at home and i think it would be nicer for them outside. we have 2 crazy dogs and a cat inside and they cause a racket all the time!
Which of these would be more suitable?
http://www.homebase.co.uk/webapp/wc...artNumber=1730386&Trail=searchtex t>PLAYHOUSE
I really dont like the hutches, to me they feel clausterophobic, but am i right in thinking the double hutch would have more floor space than the playhouse?
Would the playhouse pass RSPCA standards as I'm looking for a rescue?
Thank you for helping me and sorry for going on and on. I love Penélope and I want the best for her! x)
Katy x>>
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