A new piggy?


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 10, 2023
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Hello everyone. Yesterday one of my two female guinea pigs passed away. I had two guinea pigs, the only ones from the litter and both girls as i mentioned above.

They were never separated. Now that i lost one, should i consider taking another guinea pig as company to the one i have left and if yes a baby one or not?

I believe the answer will be yes and i am thinking taking a female baby one. But i do want your thoughts and input in this matter.

Thank you all, in advance!
I had exactly the same situation back in June this year. One of my 4 year old sheltie passed away. My remaining one was so upset she was not moving or eating normally and was very sad.
I searched for a single guineapig in pet shops but no one had a single female so I looked online for a younger guineapig and found an 8 week old that the breeder was happy to sell as a single. Happily my older girl was over the moon with the new baby piggie it’s worked out really well.

I hope your Guinea pig finds a new friend soon.
I’m sorry for your loss.

Yes you will need to get a new companion for her.
Compatibility is the key to a successful bond rather than age. Babies are often the first choice because they don’t tend to challenge for dominance but we do see cases of adult/baby bondings failing (is the baby did challenge, they don’t have mutual liking/they weren’t compatible)

If you have the option to get a new piggy from a rescue centre then that is the best way to find a new friend. They will usually help with compatibility and back up if the bonding fails (ie return of the piggy to then try another).
If you get a new piggy from a pet shop, breeder or private seller then you would need to have a back up plan in case the bonding failed, and that would be that they live in separate but side by side cages.

This is our bonding guide and explains the proper neutral territory process which needs to be followed when bonding

Good luck

Yes, definitely. They need each other desperately. You can comfort her and that will help, but ultimately she needs a companion of her own kind.

Good luck with the search!