A nervous little girl

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Mar 25, 2012
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New Zealand
I adopted a young girl she is very small and is black,white and silver. When she was picked up at first she just screamed like mad terrified. I felt so bad for her and ever since have tried to bond with her once she was home. Even when it comes to food she is petrified of me. If i try to cuddle she takes off and runs. I really am trying to bond with her, i dont think she has been handled before.
I have tamed my male pig before so i tried the same sort of Tricks but she doesn't respond.
Any Ideas to tame a skittish piggy? 8:)
Awww, poor little thing. Some piggies are more shy than others. Lots of patience is needed. At first just sit in the room with her so she gets used to your smell, make sure you talk all the time to her, so she gets used to the sound of your voice.
If you are having problems catching her, this may add to the stress so it can be worthwhile herding her in a tube or a shoebox to pick her up.

It can take a while to gain a piggies trust but it will happen.
Have you got a nice cuddly fleece? A lot of the piggies on here seem to love snuggling in a fleece and it might help to calm her if she could just sit on your lap snuggled in a fleece while you gently stroke her or feed her some of her favourite veg. :)
I made my piggies some burrow bags out of fleece, Jasmine doesn't seem to like me touching her sides which is a problem when you try to pick her up obviously! she gets into the bag and I just scoop her up, she feels safe and secure and is happy to be stroked in there till she feels ready to come out! I've only had her 3 weeks and we are making fab progress! But it really is time and patience! :)
Give it time and lots of patience. Just talk to her as often as you can, don't hover over her, leave little treats near her hidey.

If you want to pick her up, do so in some kind of conveyance, a tunnel (cardboard or fabric), a fleece towel (prewashed to get the surface sealing softeners out) or a cuddle cup or cosy. Even a padded shoe box with one side cut off will do. That way, you do not have to handle her directly - picking up cuts to close to their prey animal instincts and dark confined spaces seem to calm skittish piggies down.
I have a skittish boy like that, i took on a new tak which is working. I pick him up, give a kiss and a quick stroke then put him back. I have been doing this on and off all day for a couple of weeks and it's starting to work. He will take treats from me, let me stroke him in his cage (hit and miss) He know when I pick him up it's just quick and nothing to worry about. He doesn't look terrified anymore which is brilliant.
Be patient with her, I think the shy and skittish ones turn out to be the sweetest piggies. Teddy was 1 when we got him and he cried when we we held him. We perservered in the traditional way and he is just lovely now.
Good luck, what have you named her?
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