A Nail Clipping Idea.


Adult Guinea Pig
May 16, 2016
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I was ordering the rats pumice lava ledges today when a thought struck me.

I get these for the rats and place them around the cage to help wear out their nails as they climb around. They also work under water bottles to catch drips but..I also have a house brick under the main bottle area. The reason for the house brick is the rats have to climb on and off it numerous times a day to reach the bottles and therefore never need a nail trimming because it wears them down naturally.

I was wondering if anyone had tried anything similar with a less tall rough surfaced house brick/slab near their piggies water area to try and naturally wear down their nails? I know there are a lot on here afraid to cut their piggies nails and was wondering if this idea was a viable solution?
Hi Squeakz,

I do my own piggy nails to be honest and I appreciate it can take time the more you have. I have ceramic tiles which I use under the water bottles which happens to be next to the bedroom entrance and thus encouraging the piggies to walk over it. Whether it actually keeps their nails down and have to trim less I have absolutely no idea. I predominantly use it for the summer as an extra cooling area.
I've not tried this with piggys but a brick under the water bottle used to work well with the hamsters I had years ago. :hmm:
I tried with a flatish river stone under the water bottle for a while.
In all honesty I don't think it really helped, as they weren't waling over it - just popping their front paws on it while they drank and then popping back down.
@Squeakz I've been wondering about this idea. I have a piece of marble mine like to lie on when it's hot, but it might be too smooth to wear their nails down. Anything that would reduce the need for clipping would be fine by me. :D
I have no problem with clipping piggy nails, the idea just struck me while attending to rats and made me think about those who struggle with nail clipping.

@Swissgreys yeah I guess for piggies it would need to be something large enough for them to have to move around on.
Me too @Swissgreys! The speed that Jon inhales coriander at when he"s having his nails clips, he could easily go through a whole packet!

My pigs run used to be on paving stones. They weren't out there every day so can't comment on their nails being shorter but I do remember the scratchy noises their feet made when they were running around so it must have had some effect.

We have a stone under their bottle now and they just perch their feet on it to reach the spout so their nails don't really touch it.
Hmm, given the fuss that Ruby makes over nail clipping I am now thinking of paving the entire floor of her cage with stones :whistle:


Colin is the same! On his 2 feet the quick comes so far forwards that it is impossible to cut more than the very end off the nail.

He wheeks and grumbles during the whole process!
My two sows scream wriggle and Jingle tries to bite. Her nails recently grew all curly. Great. Vet trip next time. Quite soon in fact.
I've never had trouble clipping nails not even black ones that hide the quik.

Dogs, cats, guinea pigs and Rabbits of all ages I have just held and cut. Even the fingers and toe nails of friends babies and toddlers when they have been too afraid to do it lol.
I could do the rats too if I needed, I just cheat with getting them to wear them down as it saves me a task :tu: