Dear Lily
I hear that your Slave put herself first!
How very dare she? Doesn't she realise that you are the most important pigson in the house?
I wouldn't be having that! You should put a stop to that behaviour immediately before it becomes a habit. To do this you must wheek loudly at every single opportunity and if you don't already, take up bar biting (but not so hard you break your teeth). Slaves love to hear you bar biting as they keep coming and showering you with attention to stop you from doing it but you carry on as you know that they love it so much. Demand your food by looking at her and then running to your empty food bowl and look at her in your most cutest "I'm starving" way and then run back to her. If you are scatterfed then just look at her with your most cutest "I haven't been fed in a leventy billion years" face and food will appear.
Yours hoping that the outrageous behaviour never happens again
The One and Only Thea
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