Junior Guinea Pig
Millie passed away on November 1st, unkown illness, but she was in a terrible state so was rushed to the vets. I was at uni at the time, so my Dad took care of her for me. I came to visit the week before and she wasn't right then. I will miss her so so much
Like all piggies she had her unique character. She was the most selfless piggie you could imagine. She would put anyone before herself, although she was incredibly shy. When I came home that weekend, I battled with her to take her antibiotic tablet.. but she still took care not to bite me when my finger was in her mouth. (But still managed to spit it out numerously! She would never hurt a fly... maybe a carrot or two, but who wouldn't ? Even when her bossy yet protective sister Pip would nag and nag at her not to eat so much, she would never think to retaliate.
The one thing she would save out of a burning house would be her food. She wouldn't know what to do without it! I'll miss that desperate look in her face when she knows I'm off to go and pick a box of grass and dandelion leaves for both my girlies. I'll miss her georgous kisses (managed to capture this on my camera and make it my profile picture) and her kind nature. She'd always just have paw on my arm or and when sitting on my lap to keep her reassured. Sometimes she'd just fall asleep and place her head on my arm.
With friends, I never understood it. We'd always sit her on a towel on someone else's lap. Maybe she was just so relaxed or comfortable, she would get comfy and just have a sneaky wee! She never did that with me which was always quite funny.
anyway here's a few cute piccies and one video to show how much she loves her hugs and just comforting body contact. She would never be brave enough to go and wander around anywhere alone,
Apologies the photos are massive, I'm not very good at this html thing!
Millie being Millie

Cuddles <3

As a baby when I first got her

This is the video of her just running back onto my lap <3
<object height="385" width="480">
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="385" width="480"></object>
Like all piggies she had her unique character. She was the most selfless piggie you could imagine. She would put anyone before herself, although she was incredibly shy. When I came home that weekend, I battled with her to take her antibiotic tablet.. but she still took care not to bite me when my finger was in her mouth. (But still managed to spit it out numerously! She would never hurt a fly... maybe a carrot or two, but who wouldn't ? Even when her bossy yet protective sister Pip would nag and nag at her not to eat so much, she would never think to retaliate.
The one thing she would save out of a burning house would be her food. She wouldn't know what to do without it! I'll miss that desperate look in her face when she knows I'm off to go and pick a box of grass and dandelion leaves for both my girlies. I'll miss her georgous kisses (managed to capture this on my camera and make it my profile picture) and her kind nature. She'd always just have paw on my arm or and when sitting on my lap to keep her reassured. Sometimes she'd just fall asleep and place her head on my arm.
With friends, I never understood it. We'd always sit her on a towel on someone else's lap. Maybe she was just so relaxed or comfortable, she would get comfy and just have a sneaky wee! She never did that with me which was always quite funny.
anyway here's a few cute piccies and one video to show how much she loves her hugs and just comforting body contact. She would never be brave enough to go and wander around anywhere alone,
Apologies the photos are massive, I'm not very good at this html thing!
Millie being Millie

Cuddles <3

As a baby when I first got her

This is the video of her just running back onto my lap <3
<object height="385" width="480">
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="385" width="480"></object>