A list of good guinea pig toys?

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hiah iv just been doing a search for toys for piggies but i not much was coming up except chubes and a house?!

so what do all your piggies like to play with?
Mine like things they can run through and hide in..They also love their cozy's to cuddle up in. (want to get some handmade ones or make some myself though ;)) They have a cushion aswell which they love to lay on..er, some people use small cuddly toys aswell..if you do make sure you remove any bits that could be dangerous though ;)
I tied 4 coloured cat balls to string and hung them from the cage, made a hammock from an old tea towel hung by pegs, loo rolls filled with hay and a stuff toy. Everything has been abandoned now for the pillow i made from a sock and small animal bedding, which she drags into her house to lie on ;D
hes already stole a couple of the rats hammocks ;D he slept in them when he was poorly not he likes to lie on them ;D
I get paper bags from homebase and fill it with hay they love it, also the balls you get for kids ball pull, i put five to six in there and they have great fun, but they do tire of those very quickly so they only have them for a hour or two,

in the summer i put a shallow dish, filled with water in and they have great fun getting in and out of it, its like a flan dish about 3cm deep,
put some sliced fruit and veg on a string (cucumber slices etc) and hang the string across the cage, fastening it securely.

then sit back and watch how they try to get to the treats, and whoa can they stretch! :o

Gets them exercised and they get loads of stuff thats good for them :) (also piggies on their hind legs are incredibly cute)

My piggies like cuddly houses filled with towels (plus things like sleepsacks (more than cuddlecups)), they love drainpipes, they love cardboard houses, they are not too keen on the seesaw, they like piles of hay and straw to burrow through..
I didn't know that guineas could have straw, i have always used hay, i thought straw was to sharp for there mouths! 98)
Footballs, willow twigs to chew, cardboard boxes with doorways and "Cat-flaps" cut, tunnels
mine like to push around a toilet paper roll with their noses....sometimes they pick it up with their teeth and throw it. also tunnels to race through at lightning speed, and cuddly sacks for resting
Duke's fav at the moment is to bury himself under his towel ;D ;D ;D I then call out 'where are you Dukey boy' and the towel moves and then the nose pokes out, very cute :-* I cut the ends of a toilet roll, sort of feathered it then sat it up like a tree with veggies (mainly parsley or lettuce) he then loves to stretch to get at it or the little smarty pants knocks it over and devours the treat ;)
I have boxes turned upside down with a hole cut in the side... they sleep and hide in there... I also have a hollow wooden tunnel for them and i have empty tolilet rolls for the soon to be babies to play with ;D thats about it...

Today cindy tried to hide in one of the toilet rolls but then realised she was WAY to big ;D
piggybaker said:
I didn't know that guineas could have straw, i have always used hay, i thought straw was to sharp for there mouths! 98)

My guinea pigs start chewing on everything - plastic (from houses, drainpipes, or if they can stretch to get a piece of the binliner from the bin next to their cage..), wood, metal (I had a real bad barchewer piggy once), cardboard.. alot of these things (esp. plastic and wood) are alot sharper than straw, so I dont worry about it. Straw is the lesser evil Id say.

Why straw isnt recommended so much is for other reasons, I think. Its not as absorbent as hay, its got no nutritional value (so if they eat straw instead of hay, thats bad)...

I have straw as an addition to hay, because it insulates better than hay, its less dusty than hay, and my piggies love to play with it :)
well today i went to the pet shop and came home with a parsley bell a treat stick a new house and some other sort of treat lol. And! i gave him a cat ball and I'm going to make him a hammock if i cant find a spare ratty one :D
I made a sleeping bag for mine from a baby fleece from the pound store today, so soft and a hammock from a tea towel hung by rope. :)
Abnoba said:
piggybaker said:
I didn't know that guineas could have straw, i have always used hay, i thought straw was to sharp for there mouths! 98)

I have straw as an addition to hay, because it insulates better than hay, its less dusty than hay, and my piggies love to play with it :)

Me too Ulrike, mine play with it & love to munch on it, i don't know why because they all have a limitless supply of hay ::)
Do they actually get into hammocks? I saw one today for other rodents, I think.
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