A HORRIFIC day at school

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Oct 6, 2006
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okay-- maybe the title is a little OTT :embarassed: but it is horrible :(

first klesson was German and the cleaners had just cleaned the tables, we were alls ent out to differant places to practise our songs, we were put in a corridor inbetween two class rooms : A6 and A7. iTW AS THESE TWO CLASS ROOMS WHICH HAD JUST been cleaned. the doors to the class rooms were open and fumes from the bleach was wafting into the corridor and choking me and my group. then someone that worked in A7 came out cos they had an asthma attack due to the fumes. then that class room was wvacuated cos the cleaning fumes were so strong and it was having horrible affects on people. our classroom wasn't evacuated :( we went back to the class room at the end of the lesson and i touched the tables then after wards my eyes started itching so i rubbed them----BIG mistake bleach in your eyes isn't nice :( so at break time i went to medical and some cream was put on my badly reacting hands only to find it had burnt into my skin! medical was very crowded and someone was sent to hospital cos they reacted so badly. In science (3rd lesson) my eyes started to get worse so i ahd my eyes washe dout with the eye wash tube! it was weird having a mini hose pipe sprayed into your eyes in the middle of a science exam :o
anyay, my hands and eyes are still sore and i can't see very clearly so that is why my grammar and spelling is so bad-- sorry. needles to dsay all the class rooms were re-cleaned with nicer stuff :)
I hope you and your friends complained (made sure all this was put on record). That is a big health and safety risk. Sorry you had such an awful day. The bleach in your eye, ouch. I once had something as strong as bleach spray up into my eye, the burning sensation was really bad. >:( :)
normal school days were bad so its horrible that somthing like that happened to you
Bllooody hell what did the school have to say about it? I would kick up a right stink if i were your mum! :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
i'm not sure what school said- but we have a big assembly tomorrow so maybe they will say something :) me and my two friends that were badly reacted were put down in the medical record and then the science teaher reported about my eyes-- even our teacher was coming out in a rash!
OMG thats the sort of thing that can kill an asthmatic like my daughter I'd freak out and go mental :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
I have really bad asthma but luckily i wasn't affected :-\ my friend is allright tho and her mum didn't really say anything
That's really bad Beth - in fact it's more than bad it's SHOCKING. It must have breached Health and Safety rules.
:o :o :o

Omg! Stupid school! I hope everyone is okay :) and you feel better soon... sorry about your day being so lousy :(
thanks everyone, hopefully the guy who went to hospital is ok :-*

my eyes are a bit swollen and purple :( but my vision is better :)
Glad to hear :)

Surley they would clean the rooms, after hours?
Then the fumes would have over night to go away...
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