I had an earlier thread regarding this. We have since gone to the vet, cleaned out cages thoroughly replaced everything and given two of everything and even had them separated for the night. Unfortunately the vet was not to helpful and said there nothing more to be done if we have already tried all the usual methods. Both pigs have gone for each other numerous times and blood would have been drawn if we hadn't separeted them each time. We don't know what to do, we aren't in a situation do get a another cage, we have already given them half a room more than 10 square feet. Since separation last night they haven't shown any love for each other whatsoever and they are so lonely on their own. Obama especially needs a lot of attention and I worried of becoming depressed. What do you think we should do!? We are wondering if we should give both to a rescue or take one and pair them off with a neutered female (assuming this is best situation) - we can't get two extra piggies although thats what I would ideally do. Its not about us its what is best for the piggies! Please help the vet wasn't a great deal of help and it seems like everytime we leave them to it they will go mental together and I don't want to think about what could happen.