A flower for Sooty and Sweep

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Sweep died 1 month ago today and in a week tomorrow Sooty will be a month. So to pay my respects to the 2 lovely piggies who left me to go to rainbow bridge i put a flower - the first dandillion of the spring in my garden in the place between Sweep and Sooty's grave, then brought georgy and fluffly over to see. :'( still miss my angels. i took some pictures too:


Notice the flower lol. 0:)


the ladder marking sooty's grave like a ladder to heaven.


the rock marking sweeps grave.


a sign above sweeps grave

Ah bless thats really sweet! You'll never forget them.................
aww thats so sweet :)
RIP ittle ones... enjoy your flower :smitten:
awww, that's so sweet

my sons still put things on Bun's grave even though she died over 3 years ago. :)
awww so nice mine are burid all over the garden in nice places under the willow and apple trees in the lavender garden by the ponds and next to the wall outside their sheds , mIck said we need a bigger garden, 0:) God bless sooty and sweep 0:) 0:)
That's beautiful what a lovely memorial :smitten: RIP sweeties :'( :'(

We've just redone Sully's headstone it was looking worse for wear with the weather so OH has re done it and sprayed a lacquer so the writing wont fade this time 0:) RIP little man gosh we sure do miss you heaps :'(
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