A Few Quick Questions.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 10, 2016
Reaction score
hi all, I have had my girls over two weeks now :) just wanted to ask a few questions.
1: is equinola ok for bedding
2: my girls love grass is it ok to give it to them daily?
And 3: one of my girls will sniff my hand and then nibble my finger what could this be ? Is it because she doesn't like me?
:) thanks in advance.

1. That is a horse bedding I think - sorry I haven't heard of it before. Hopefully someone may be able to help. It will be worth usign the search function at top of the screen to see if you can find any previous threads on it

2. Here is some info on grass and grass time Feeding Grass And Preparing Your Piggies For Lawn Time

3.She is probably exploring with her teeth and expecting food. Most piggies do this, if it was a snap as a bite then it would show she was scared and unhappy but that is rare. Nibbling is most common - nothing to worry about
It's defiantly not a bite because it doesn't really hurt. No where near me sells auboise so they told me this was similar only difference is it's made from rapeseed.
I will take a look at both thank you :)
I think I looked into that bedding and found that it had something to deter flies seeing as it's for horses which meant it wasn't very good for piggies, I have been using Aubiose and it's great.
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