A Few Questions From A Wannabe Pig Owner.

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New Born Pup
Feb 14, 2016
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Hello there, I was looking at getting a Guinea Pig because i think it would be a nice companion, But i would like to ask a couple things and get some help with some stuff.

So first off i think my first question is, I am going to be 20 within a month, does 20 seem to old for something mainly meant for kids? I don't necessarily care what others think on the matter, it is my choice i understand that. Just want to know what others may think on the forum.

Now for the first real question, My biggest space i can put a cage is 20 Inches (1 Ft 8 Inches. Also i live in the USA so sorry about the measurements), By 36 inches (3 Ft), Maybe add a few inches if i scoot my cabinet some. This is my room and it is not very big, I would already have to move my computer and such to put a cage here, So i literally have no more room to put one. I know that places like C&C Cages say the minimum is 27" X 41", but i simply cant fit a cage this big... So i guess the question is, Would a cage like this size be too small? ( ) . This is the closest one i could find to my size requirements but i will look further, If no then would maybe adding a few inches to length be okay? i cant add anymore size on the width or depth depending on how you look at it. but like i said if i move a cabinet i can probably get a few more inches on length.

Now my second question is actually, If that size is fine then should i get 1 or 2 Pigs? i would prefer 1 since the size of the cage, But i see a lot of places that they should really have a friend.

Third is, Are Guinea Pigs fun for an older person such as myself to play with?, Like what all can you do with them besides hold them?. This is one of my main reasons for wanting a Guinea Pig instead of something like a Hamster or Gerbil, That and the fact that they normally live longer.

Thank you for the help everyone and i hope i am able to work something out :).
have a look at some of the threads in this link

Quick Information Bundle For Wannabe Owners

Guinea pigs are delightful pets for all types of people. I got my 1st guinea pigs in my mid 50s .

Guinea pigs really do need company of their own kind so, 2 really is the minimum.

Please also look at the cage size thread

Cage Size Guide

You really will not be doing yourself or your guinea pigs ant good by keeping them in a cage below the minimum requirements.7
Hi there, I'm sorry, but the cage would be much too small. As for how many piggies, definitely two. However guineas pigs can have bonding issues and fall-outs, especially when their housing is small.
Are guinea pigs for older people? Absolutely. They have a reputation as being children's pets because they are usually very gentle creatures, but quite honestly they are more complex to keep than rodents such as hamsters and mice, and there's much to look into before getting them, and generally they make better pets for adults than they do for children.
Sometimes a parent thinks a guinea pig will sit on their little one's lap and be cuddled, and honestly some love cuddles whilst others hate to even be touched, and when this happens they can actually be disappointing for children when 'piggy doesn't want to be friends'. Adults however are often much better at finding ways to bond with their piggies no matter what personality they happen to have.

I suggest you have a really good read at the care section and find out more about cage set-ups, stimulation, toys etc, to give you some inspiration.

But I'm sorry to say your biggest hurdle right now is the space, it's definitely too small. in fact cages that size really shouldn't be advertised for guinea pigs. If that seems like being fussy I would pretty much garuntee that if you went ahead and kept them in that size of cage you would soon see for yourself how frustrated they get, and just how little stimulation they have in their environment. Please be aware that in spite of their kiddy-pet reputation guinea pigs have complex little personalities and need stimulation, things to do, variety of textures, places to hide, places to go and room to run around and sometimes get away from each other, else they get bored and depressed.

If it's any consolation I had to wait until I was almost 40 before we had enough room in our house to get our first piggies,and I had wanted some since childhood! I am thinking that unless you can make more room, it's something to think about and research for the future when perhaps things have changed.

I hope you can create a bigger space for them, but if not, and you decide it's not suitable for you to get them right now it would be good if you could still stick around, we're always happy to talk 'pig' even when people haven't got any :) x
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Hello there, I was looking at getting a Guinea Pig because i think it would be a nice companion, But i would like to ask a couple things and get some help with some stuff.

So first off i think my first question is, I am going to be 20 within a month, does 20 seem to old for something mainly meant for kids? I don't necessarily care what others think on the matter, it is my choice i understand that. Just want to know what others may think on the forum.

Now for the first real question, My biggest space i can put a cage is 20 Inches (1 Ft 8 Inches. Also i live in the USA so sorry about the measurements), By 36 inches (3 Ft), Maybe add a few inches if i scoot my cabinet some. This is my room and it is not very big, I would already have to move my computer and such to put a cage here, So i literally have no more room to put one. I know that places like C&C Cages say the minimum is 27" X 41", but i simply cant fit a cage this big... So i guess the question is, Would a cage like this size be too small? ( ) . This is the closest one i could find to my size requirements but i will look further, If no then would maybe adding a few inches to length be okay? i cant add anymore size on the width or depth depending on how you look at it. but like i said if i move a cabinet i can probably get a few more inches on length.

Now my second question is actually, If that size is fine then should i get 1 or 2 Pigs? i would prefer 1 since the size of the cage, But i see a lot of places that they should really have a friend.

Third is, Are Guinea Pigs fun for an older person such as myself to play with?, Like what all can you do with them besides hold them?. This is one of my main reasons for wanting a Guinea Pig instead of something like a Hamster or Gerbil, That and the fact that they normally live longer.

Thank you for the help everyone and i hope i am able to work something out :).

Hi and welcome!

It is great that you are doing your research beforehand!

Guinea pigs are ground roaming group animals with a very developed social hierarchy and interaction. They should not be kept alone; you want to get at least a same gender pair for round the clock company and stimulation. They also require a 2x4 ft sq/2x3 C&C grid sq minimum one floor ground space whether you get one or two to allow them a happy, healthy life, as they just love to run around and jump, especially when they are young. Any more floors are optional, but they don't count. So if you really can't find a creative way of working around the space issue, then please be honest and rather look at other small pets like gerbils.

On the other hand, guinea pigs are not placid children's cuddly pets. Sadly, this misconception is still far too common! They are very interactive, but it may take a bit of time to make friends, as most shop piggies have not had any human interaction and a following their prey animal instincts. We have got plenty of tips on that score.
I just love to watch my own guinea pigs interact and play, but you can teach them little tricks as well - and they can train their slaves pretty well, don't ever doubt that! We have got a thread with toy tips - the most successful ones are the cheapest. By the way, we have got members of all ages and from all over the world. I am not the youngest, either! They make great companions for adults, as they are so more than just animated cuddly toys.

The best and safest place to get healthy and already socialised guinea pigs from is from one of our recommended good standard guinea pigs rescues, but as they are privately run, not everybody can get to one.

We have got an information bundle for wannabe owners, which you may find helpful. Quick Information Bundle For Wannabe Owners

As we have members from all over the world, we find it helpful if you please added your country, state/province or UK county to your details, so we can adjust any advice and recommendations to what is available and doable where you are. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thank you!
I'm just thinking... a space doesn't have to be a rectangle - people sometimes build pens that go round corners to fit into spaces in their homes whilst still giving plenty of floor space for the pigs. Is this something that could be possible in your room lay-out? x
Another idea is if you can block off any wires etc and pig-proof part or all of your room, and have them free-range or semi free-range. Some of our free-rangers could give you tips if you feel that is something you could do? :) I must admit I'd like to do that myself, but our room isn't suitable... but perhaps yours is?
Another idea is if you can block off any wires etc and pig-proof part or all of your room, and have them free-range or semi free-range. Some of our free-rangers could give you tips if you feel that is something you could do? :) I must admit I'd like to do that myself, but our room isn't suitable... but perhaps yours is?

Thank you all for messaging and helping me out!. As for going around corners, the way my small room is set up is the only real way it can be, and the space I was talking about before would be on top of my dresser so, in reality no..it just would not be possible sadly. Like I said the bed I could do is add some length to it but if I went anymore than about a foot and a half on width, the cave would be overhanging :/. So sadly I guess I just can't get a guinea pig at this point in my life..I may hold off on any animal then because I would like the longer life of a guinea pig compared to gerbils as well as the more playfulness.. Thank you guys for the help.
I'm sorry. I know it is disappointing. An overhanging cage can be possible though depending on how it's done and whether or not it could be knocked off/overbalanced.
My son had a dresser in his room that was shaped in such a way that made it unsuitable for a glass tank (he had some giant African millipedes). What we did was place a thick piece of quality sturdy hard-board on there and fixed it on, expanding the surface area of the top of the dresser so that it was large enough to accommodate the 3ft tank.
Would it be possible to do a similar thing with your dresser, and create a larger top for it to put a cage on? Can you push it to 4ft? x
I'm sorry. I know it is disappointing. An overhanging cage can be possible though depending on how it's done and whether or not it could be knocked off/overbalanced.
My son had a dresser in his room that was shaped in such a way that made it unsuitable for a glass tank (he had some giant African millipedes). What we did was place a thick piece of quality sturdy hard-board on there and fixed it on, expanding the surface area of the top of the dresser so that it was large enough to accommodate the 3ft tank.
Would it be possible to do a similar thing with your dresser, and create a larger top for it to put a cage on? Can you push it to 4ft? x

Nah, like I said, my room is small and that is really all I can get for space.

I am looking into Gerbils now and I think I will be happy with them :), may get a pig later on. Thank you all!
Gerbils are lovely animals :)
Well, perhaps we'll see you back here one day :) x
Hello there, I was looking at getting a Guinea Pig because i think it would be a nice companion, But i would like to ask a couple things and get some help with some stuff.

So first off i think my first question is, I am going to be 20 within a month, does 20 seem to old for something mainly meant for kids? I don't necessarily care what others think on the matter, it is my choice i understand that. Just want to know what others may think on the forum.

Now for the first real question, My biggest space i can put a cage is 20 Inches (1 Ft 8 Inches. Also i live in the USA so sorry about the measurements), By 36 inches (3 Ft), Maybe add a few inches if i scoot my cabinet some. This is my room and it is not very big, I would already have to move my computer and such to put a cage here, So i literally have no more room to put one. I know that places like C&C Cages say the minimum is 27" X 41", but i simply cant fit a cage this big... So i guess the question is, Would a cage like this size be too small? ( ) . This is the closest one i could find to my size requirements but i will look further, If no then would maybe adding a few inches to length be okay? i cant add anymore size on the width or depth depending on how you look at it. but like i said if i move a cabinet i can probably get a few more inches on length.

Now my second question is actually, If that size is fine then should i get 1 or 2 Pigs? i would prefer 1 since the size of the cage, But i see a lot of places that they should really have a friend.

Third is, Are Guinea Pigs fun for an older person such as myself to play with?, Like what all can you do with them besides hold them?. This is one of my main reasons for wanting a Guinea Pig instead of something like a Hamster or Gerbil, That and the fact that they normally live longer.

Thank you for the help everyone and i hope i am able to work something out :).
Their good for everybody, but you MIGHT chase them around sometimes

also you need a bigger cage if you're gonna get two.
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