A direct hit

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
West Cornwall
I went into town this afternoon, called in at the pet shop on the way home, oohed and aahhed over some baby guineas (one boy was stunning, golden agouti and orange striped). :)

So I was feeling OK coming home than five yards or so from the house I got a direct hit from a seagull. >:(
It was disgusting.
I wiped it off, then put soap on that area and rinsed, soap on again and rinsed, then shampooed the whole lot twice.

Still feel dirty >:(
Oh dear ;D isn't that meant to be lucky? or is that pigeons ?
Lucinda said:
I went into town this afternoon, called in at the pet shop on the way home, oohed and aahhed over some baby guineas (one boy was stunning, golden agouti and orange striped). :)

So I was feeling OK coming home than five yards or so from the house I got a direct hit from a seagull. >:(
It was disgusting.
I wiped it off, then put soap on that area and rinsed, soap on again and rinsed, then shampooed the whole lot twice.

Still feel dirty >:(

:o :o


( sorry I'm quietly laughing here ;) )
years ago my wonderful Grandad was drinking a cuppa on the beach when Plop! yep a direct hit in his cup still laugh about it 30 plus years later, and yues its suppose to be good luck you may a call yet
Just washed hair again >:(

You lot - laughing at your friend's misfortune ::)

Lucky - huh :o
A seagull? Seagull's are quite big aren't they. Not like a sparrow poo.


nah Jillybean that would have been one hell of a poo. ;D

Poor Lucinda :-* Was that before or after you collected your pressie?
Oh no! How did you pull that one off with your dignity? Its like when people get their heel stuck in a grate or do the funny wobble when they slip - I can't keep a straight face - but I do expect it back when it happens to me. It really annoys you though when it happens doesn't it 8)
Debbie, it was on my way back from getting the pressie. I was only feet away from the house! :)
I'm doing a dignified chuckle only :)

I had that happen to me, we used to live across the road from my bus stop and the guy owned pidgeons. Yep you guessed one morning in full school uniform which included a straw boater UGH, PLOP right on my blazer and hair EWWWWWWWWW.
My aunt who is only 4 years older fell about laughing hysterically some bloody help she was.
So i can sympathise but it is funny ::)

Thank goodness you were close to home and didn't have to travel on the bus with everyone staring at you
I felt stupid yesterday, and today. I walked my dogs over fields for about an hour - didn't see a soul. Then on the way back up the road to my house, my little dog decides to do his business right next to a workman's car - right by his door, and 3 workmen stood mending a fence about 8 foot away. So I cleared it up, and being a Cavalier King Charles he has to do about 8 pieces, all getting progressively smaller and looser - all in a line. So red faced I cleared it up as best I could and went home.

Today, same thing - went all round the fields, didn't see anyone, dog didn't go to loo in field. On the way back up the road he went again. So in the horizontal rain and freezing cold gale force wind I had to search through all my pockets for one remaining dog bag and when I looked up guess who was sat in his car watching.

I'm not going that way tomorrow ...
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