A busy bonding day!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
South East
I am a very tired Doeylicious (and should probably be in bed) as it's been a busy day with the piggies today!

After a trip to B&Q for floor tiles and P@H for my new hutch for the intended herd, we set everything up for the following intended bondings:

Bruno (neutered boar) and Muffin and Crumpet (pair of sows from Bramley Cavies)

JoJo and Bounty (neutered boar and young sow) with Whiskey, Noodles, Honey and Tulip (quartet of sows aged 5, 5, 6 months and about 3 months respectively)

With ballpits/giant run, hay, loads of veg and covered areas at the ready, off we went.

First the trio. Bruno hasn't been with other guineas for a while as he was recovering from his op and then Muffin got the squits, so he was hugely excited and squirting all over the place - he got poor Muffin in the eye at one point! He was a good boy tho and when asked to naff off did so, preferring to find the food than keep at it. Every half hour or so he would have another go and there would be a bit of commotion, but in general it wasn't overly eventful - middlish between Dodge and Cherry (manic humping from Dodge for literally 2 hours non stop, Cherry is a very accepting pig thank goodness) and Bumble and Pixie (Nice to meet you, now lets eat hay and go to sleep).

Since moving them into the hutch at around 8.30pm (so they had a lot of time to get to know each other in the big space) Muffin has been a bit of a moo, she has taken refuge upstairs and won't let Bruno up and doesn't seem keen to come down, but mean old mummy has put all the food and water down there so I am sure her belly will get the better of her sometime. Crumpet is being mediator and spending time going up and down the ramp so she speaks to both of them! I am hoping Muffin is just feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all and will calm down in a couple of days, as her and Bruno were very close in the ballpit bar one tiny teeth chattering incident. Fairly sure she will be boss pig though as Bruno has backed off to any slight angriness from her - he just seems overjoyed to have friends bless him.

My name's Bruno, and I am here for the girls please! Oh and the food


Crumpet being a brave girl, both girls have settled in well but Crumpet more so


All three together, I gave in and gave them a hidey back as they kept getting under the fleece when I didn't!


Bruno and Muffin having a mid afternoon snooze


What, I like my water bowl!


For The Herd bonding, see below...
The Herd bonding...now the herd have met a couple of times before, and have been monitored following the advice of several members on here including Bonding Expert Suzy and Herd Expert Wiebke!

So I got the big run, cut up more veggies than ever, gave them some hideys, aaaaaaand....

This was about as exciting as it got

Spot the piggy...


Oh look here's one...


And here are some more...


They all basically ate a bit of hay, nommed all the veg, slept for three hours, then woke up and wheeked they wanted to come in for dinner...all six are now in my super duper new hutch, but not too keen on the ramp (stupid shop ramps, I meant to make it less steep but I ran out of time so it is number one job tomorrow) so all 6 are in RSPCA recommended size for 3 pigs on the bottom floor, all asleep, one minor scuffle over Bex's gorgeous corner hammock but come on, who wouldn't fight over that?!

Here are some pics of the hutch as I am seriously chuffed with it, reduced from around £150 to £99 and also it wasn't the one on display at £99 I asked them to reserve - it's BIGGER and better quality! They had the old model Summer Lodge on display, and I got a brand new The Lodge sustainable timber hutch still for the £99...oh well about time P@H did their bit for rescue pigs :))


Like my flooring?! And Bex's lovely house


And my bannister, don't trust my pigs not to try bungie jumping


So all in all a generally successful day, definitely for the herd and more so when I sort their ramp out tomorrow. The Trio still needs a bit of time to work things out in the hutch I think, but hopefully Muffin will stop being neurotic and calm down...fingers crossed!

Thanks for reading and for all the support I have had regarding the 'should I make a herd?' issue :)
Ohhh fingers crossed it continues to go so well. Some groups can take a few weeks to finally settle but it looks like your big group have done so already LOL. Hopefully the trio will become good friends too with a bit of time.

My spoilt babies love Bex's (ruledbyguineapigs) hammocky houses too

Well done on the cage by the way, the alterations will make it perfect.

Suzy x
Congrats on the bonding! They are all adorbale x)x)

Just a quick question:
After a trip to B&Q for floor tiles .

I want to line my boys hutch with something wipe cleanable - how much were your floor tiles and were they adhesvie ready, or did you have to use glue?

Sorry for hijacking the thread - but congrats again :)
I can't believe you bonded two groups in one day! I think bonding is quite possibly the most stressful thing ...ever! :)) Really glad you did though as it sounds like everything went perfectly!

I'm sure Muffin will come round. Pippa wasn't overly fond of our latest addition at first but now they can quite often be found together.

W&K, Our hutch has the floor tiles too. They have a sticky backing. I just got the 'Value' ones as I figure nobody is ever going to see them anyway :)
No wonder are you tired! That was a great day's job indeed!

I am glad that all has gone so well and am sure that Muffin will get round to having Bruno in her home, especially as the intro went so well.

I love the spot the piggy pic - that really is a job for the beady eyed!

Your new hutch is super indeed! It can take a few days until they all use the ramp, but then they will be up and down like nobody's business! Sprinkle it with grass or dandelions to entice them down.
Just a quick question:

I want to line my boys hutch with something wipe cleanable - how much were your floor tiles and were they adhesvie ready, or did you have to use glue?

Sorry for hijacking the thread - but congrats again :)

W&K, Our hutch has the floor tiles too. They have a sticky backing. I just got the 'Value' ones as I figure nobody is ever going to see them anyway :)

Answered perfectly by Little Piggles, I buy the Value ones too - they come in pink, blue, black and white!

The group survived the night, we have a few new allegiances, Whiskey and Noodles remain a solid pair after Noodles ousted JoJo from the hammock house during the night! The have let him out his nose in tho, lol. Honey and Bounty have been chasing each other all over the place, and both slept upstairs in the sleeping area together. Baby Tulip seems to be on her own a bit, I think she is confused where she fits in the group now but hopefully she will find her place.

The trio are not so rosy :( Muffin has actually got worse and Crumpet is joining in, we had a slightly scary teeth chattering chin up earlier, thankfully Bruno wandered off and hid in the hay. He is on his own now as they wont let him in the house, every time he goes to say hello they chase him away :( I am quite worried as things really have turned around from how they were in the run :( not quite sure where to go from here.
Oooo hope everything is going well for you, after attempting to bond boys i can safely say i dont think i want to try bonding again haha :))

Keeping my fingers crossed for you and the piggles :) x
How lovely - they all look so chilled in the photos - but hopefully things will sort themselves out over the next few days. Good luck. I'm trying to bond three sows at the moment, & it's not going too well - I'm hoping for some inspiration around here! xx
it looks very promising, they all look quite relaxed with each other :) x
Following a slightly anxious phone call to Suzy (who it was LOVELY to speak to properly, for anyone who wonders she is just as lovely if not more so than she comes across on the forum!) and what you might call a 'family discussion' (i.e. me throwing a strop as allergy ridden sister wouldn't let me put the ballpit in the house...stupid sneezy woman...) I have taken the divider/ramp/upper floor out of the hutch, so we just have an open floor space - i.e. nowhere for Muffin to be bossy over!

All I can say is, Suzy don't half know her stuff, as soon as there was nowhere to get stroppy about the difference was huge. Muffin altho not as lovey as she was in the ballpit was happy to let Bruno say hello, go where he liked, and at one point we had all three nomming out of the same bowl at dinner (there are two in there, clearly the blue one makes the food taste nicer)

I am going to keep a close eye on them, as is Mum who is luckily at home during the day, for the next few days but I think we might be on the road to recovering the situation. I am going to peer outside with my torch (and scuba gear as it has been pouring with rain since 2pm) in a minute to find out the sleeping arrangements...

THANK YOU SUZY! If they do overcome the issues I will be on the lookout for a larger hutch ASAP as I would like them to have more space if it is to be a permanent arrangement. I hope they calm enough to get their pigloos back though as Bruno is missing his I think.

The Herd remain chilled and I was incredibly impressed at there being absolutely no tiffs over any veg at dinner...the four girls always used to nick stuff off each other but today everyone was very polite about the whole thing. Having a herd is really quite fun as you have a good excuse to literally chuck pieces of veg all over the place so it is nicely scattered - anyone who was force fed broccoli as a kid can get their own back on the stuff.
Thanks for the compliments! LOL - blush.

So pleased it worked - I wish all bondings were as easy! Fingers crossed they continue to settle well, I love a happy ending.

Suzy x
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