A Bunch Of Q's

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New Born Pup
May 6, 2017
Reaction score
Cecil County, Maryland USA
I have a few piggies. I still consider myself new to it though.

My Maggie is over a year old now. She's constantly a nervous wreck and I think it's starting to influence my other two.
Would or should or have any of you considered meds for anxiety? Please share your thoughts with me.
Nothing much I've done has helped calm her.

My black and white boy is constantly rumblestrutting and annoying the girls. Getting squirted with pre lol.
Anything I can do to help this situation our it just has to play it's course?

We just brought home a skinny...
Any care tips, special needs etc. Hit me with it....

Thanks in advance...

Hi and welcome

There is no medication for skittish piggies. A quiet environment, patience and understanding can help to gradually relax her, but it can take months and in some cases even years. It is often transmitted to babies from a stressed mum in my experience when they were born in less than ideal conditions. Some babies are more affected than others.
You may find these guides here helpful:
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig

Your boy is behaving perfectly normal. It is going to settle down more as he grows older and the testosterone gradully fizzles out. I assume that he is neutered?

Here is our skinny advice:
Please be a ware that skinny pigs have a much faster metabolism. This means that they eat more, poop more and live less long. The quick metabolism also acts as internal radiator, which means that skinnies can be kept in the same room temperatures as normal guinea pigs and don't need hot rooms or clothes - that is actually detrimental for them as they overheat.

Please take the time to read these guides. You can find lots more information at the top of our various Care sections, but you are always welcome to ask any questions you have in there.

Since we have members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your country, state/province or UK county to your details, so we can tailor any advice and recommendations to what is relevant and available where you are straight away. Click on your username at the top, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. This will make it appear underneath your username in every post you make. In the same section you can also upload your avatar. That is the picture that appears in every post you make. Thank you!
Hey guys I'm looking for some advice that maybe you can help me with, so I have three pigs two boys who have been living with each other for about a month. I've fallen in love with them and decide I wanted to breed my own so I recently got a girl, they are fine whenever they are with the girl they just go hump crazy and never let her breath. so I separate them from her to give her a breather, but now they are fighting by themselves and they never did that before should I give her back and would that even do anything or is there anything I can do to get them to relax
Hey guys I'm looking for some advice that maybe you can help me with, so I have three pigs two boys who have been living with each other for about a month. I've fallen in love with them and decide I wanted to breed my own so I recently got a girl, they are fine whenever they are with the girl they just go hump crazy and never let her breath. so I separate them from her to give her a breather, but now they are fighting by themselves and they never did that before should I give her back and would that even do anything or is there anything I can do to get them to relax

I've replied on your other thread but this is a non breeding and forum. @Wiebke @BossHogg
@Charles Mehmel you have broken more than one forum rule. Multiple posts on same issue are not allowed as are posts about breeding.
Your account will be terminated if you persist
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