A boar or a sow, what to do...?

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Sep 10, 2012
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I have three adolescent boars (all neutered), one of which is more dominant and I am considering separating him from the other two as he is making their lives a bit miserable. If I do this, would I be best to pair him with another boar or a sow? My fear is that if I pair him with a sow, the other two will smell the sow and get agitated, even if they are housed separately. However, I am not sure Monty would get on with another boar as he is SO dominant, so I am thinking a female might be better. But what I don't want to do is introduce 'odour de female' into the air and frustrate the well behaved two who, although they are not as dominant as Monty, still have all the same urges!
Thanks for any advice!
If you do not mind travelling and be put on a short waiting list (Certainly not longer than a neutering op with subsequent post op wait would take!) you may want to have a chat with Suzygpr in Glynneath in South Wales - she is a wiz at boar dating and she has boars of all ages, from adults to youngsters to try your boy with.

Some very difficult customers have a actually found a suitable mate that way! ;)
Have you heard of boar dating? This is where your piggy goes to stay at a rescue for a couple of days, to meet his ideal piggy friend (of the same sex) This way, you only come home with a piggy that is definatly going to get on with your boy. :)
Weibke beat me too it, some great info there :)
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