Junior Guinea Pig
Hi all ,
I apologise in advance for a likely long message and perhaps for looking amateurish and inexpert .
I feel some people are going to shoot me here but I'd rather be honest .
I got my 2 boars from Pets , they are rescues as the family who previously had them , realised they didn't want them after just over a week .
They are approx 9 and 10 weeks old.
I have a 2 level hutch , which I am keeping indoors .
Although very scared and skittish , they seemed to settle in ok the first 24/48 hrs.
"Problems" seemed to begin right after that , with Batista starting to exert dominance and Dexter having none of it .
There were 3 little scuffles with Dexter trying to get the upper hand by climbing over Batista and nipping him on the sides.
Dexter must have lost those fights nonetheless because the results in the last week are as follows:
- Batista is the extrovert one , exploring , running , popcorning , going up and down the ramp at will , always wheeking to me and generally a lot more active and interacting . Dexter is becoming a recluse , only goes on little walks to get food and water , after which he goes to sit down and just stays ...
- Batista controls the food (I've given them 2 of everything now , bottles bowls hidey etc. , but still I have to keep him away from Dex fresh food bowl or he will bully him away to claim his food which results in Dex going away squeaking in distress/disapproval and staying away.
-I've caught Batista "mounting" Dex from the front at least 3-4 times and Dex squeaks a lot in distress.
- Whilst foraging together , Dexter keeps squeaking in distress (or maybe submission?) , and Batista starts walking really slowly , makes himself bigger , kind of makes a rrrrrrrr sound whilst shifting his back legs left and right . This happens a LOT.
Despite all this , which makes it extremely puzzling for a newbie like me who just wants them to give them a good home and life (!), they seem to struggle when away from each other , they very often sleep together (although not snuggled up , but very close and in a relaxed posture ).
Am I just being over-worried and this is the dominance phase , or should I truly be preoccupied as Dexter seems to be struggling to adapt?Maybe their working-things-out time is long?
I've read all of your guides on bonding and behaviour , I'm struggling to put the pieces of the puzzle together as I'm seeing contrasting behaviours from the piggies .
Any help will be truly appreciated and thank you !
Sorry again for the lengthy post.
I apologise in advance for a likely long message and perhaps for looking amateurish and inexpert .
I feel some people are going to shoot me here but I'd rather be honest .
I got my 2 boars from Pets , they are rescues as the family who previously had them , realised they didn't want them after just over a week .
They are approx 9 and 10 weeks old.
I have a 2 level hutch , which I am keeping indoors .
Although very scared and skittish , they seemed to settle in ok the first 24/48 hrs.
"Problems" seemed to begin right after that , with Batista starting to exert dominance and Dexter having none of it .
There were 3 little scuffles with Dexter trying to get the upper hand by climbing over Batista and nipping him on the sides.
Dexter must have lost those fights nonetheless because the results in the last week are as follows:
- Batista is the extrovert one , exploring , running , popcorning , going up and down the ramp at will , always wheeking to me and generally a lot more active and interacting . Dexter is becoming a recluse , only goes on little walks to get food and water , after which he goes to sit down and just stays ...
- Batista controls the food (I've given them 2 of everything now , bottles bowls hidey etc. , but still I have to keep him away from Dex fresh food bowl or he will bully him away to claim his food which results in Dex going away squeaking in distress/disapproval and staying away.
-I've caught Batista "mounting" Dex from the front at least 3-4 times and Dex squeaks a lot in distress.
- Whilst foraging together , Dexter keeps squeaking in distress (or maybe submission?) , and Batista starts walking really slowly , makes himself bigger , kind of makes a rrrrrrrr sound whilst shifting his back legs left and right . This happens a LOT.
Despite all this , which makes it extremely puzzling for a newbie like me who just wants them to give them a good home and life (!), they seem to struggle when away from each other , they very often sleep together (although not snuggled up , but very close and in a relaxed posture ).
Am I just being over-worried and this is the dominance phase , or should I truly be preoccupied as Dexter seems to be struggling to adapt?Maybe their working-things-out time is long?
I've read all of your guides on bonding and behaviour , I'm struggling to put the pieces of the puzzle together as I'm seeing contrasting behaviours from the piggies .
Any help will be truly appreciated and thank you !
Sorry again for the lengthy post.