R Dorothy
Junior Guinea Pig
I've had my two girls for a little over a year now. It's the first time I've had two piggies, so I'm not 100% sure how they're supposed to behave around each other. I know there's going to be some tense moments, but I've never seen them be affectionate to one another.
A positive is that they will both stand side by side and eat together. Every once in awhile a head will get raised, but there's never any fighting over food.
Space is another thing. They have a big cage, but if Iris is in a place Dahlia decides she wants, she chases Iris away.
Dahlia is without a doubt the dominant one. She has to have everything her way. She's also much more aggressive than Iris when going into heat. Both shake and rumble, but I have to take Dahlia away to chill out something since she wants to mount Iris so bad.
What's weird is that even though they don't like being all that close together in the cage (unless something scares them) I can't hold one without the other. I need to use my arm as a barrier otherwise Dahlia will take nips at Iris, but they won't lay down and relax if by themselves. They actually cry out for one another. For floor time Iris is actually the braver one and Dahlia is right behind her the whole way.
Sometimes, usually when I'm in another room, I hear Iris give a good shriek. I've never seen any signs of real physical damage until today. I felt some small scabby tissue on her ear and saw that Dahlia must've given her a pretty good bite. It is just a teeny tiny spot, but it still bothers me.
I'm really worried about Iris's happiness. Do you think I should get a separation grid for the cage or let them be? They've never gotten into a serious brawl, but I still feel that Iris gets bullied far too often.
A positive is that they will both stand side by side and eat together. Every once in awhile a head will get raised, but there's never any fighting over food.
Space is another thing. They have a big cage, but if Iris is in a place Dahlia decides she wants, she chases Iris away.
Dahlia is without a doubt the dominant one. She has to have everything her way. She's also much more aggressive than Iris when going into heat. Both shake and rumble, but I have to take Dahlia away to chill out something since she wants to mount Iris so bad.
What's weird is that even though they don't like being all that close together in the cage (unless something scares them) I can't hold one without the other. I need to use my arm as a barrier otherwise Dahlia will take nips at Iris, but they won't lay down and relax if by themselves. They actually cry out for one another. For floor time Iris is actually the braver one and Dahlia is right behind her the whole way.
Sometimes, usually when I'm in another room, I hear Iris give a good shriek. I've never seen any signs of real physical damage until today. I felt some small scabby tissue on her ear and saw that Dahlia must've given her a pretty good bite. It is just a teeny tiny spot, but it still bothers me.
I'm really worried about Iris's happiness. Do you think I should get a separation grid for the cage or let them be? They've never gotten into a serious brawl, but I still feel that Iris gets bullied far too often.