A Best Time Of Day?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 1, 2014
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
Hi all,

Yet another question! My friend was round today and I took one of my piggies for her to see. I placed it on my lap, and after a few minutes, she asked if she could hold it. I carried it over to her, and she placed it on her lap. Piggy then climbed up towards her shoulder and seemed quite happy. This has never happened when I have had either of my girls out before, although I know that piggies like to be on shoulders sometimes, and I have always allowed them the opportunity to do this. My piggy was a lot calmer than normal and almost seemed to enjoy the event, which is so different to normal! Could it have been due to my taking her out of the cage at a different time of day to normal? Usually, when we have lap-time, it is in an evening since I am always at home in the evening and not always at home during the day, unlike today. Do guinea pigs have a time of day where they are more likely to enjoy cuddles/petting?
I tried taking them out again this evening as normal, but they were back to behaving as always (fighting to get to the bottom of the cozy away from me), and I got wee'd on.
In my way of thinking, I have put today's event down to one of three things:
1. It was a better time of day for the piggy
2. It was just coincidence
3. My piggies just don't like me

There is no way they do not like you so please do not think that. I think they were scared and went to your friends shoulder to hide. They feel safe higher up. It does not matter which time of the day you hold them as long as they were not sleeping. It takes a lot of patience to get a piggies trust but it really is worth it.
I have always found my piggies are less receptive if they are frantic for their food (you know how desperate they become at meal times!) so usually avoid trying to have them out until they are fed and contented. I avoid sleeping times but other than mealtimes and sleep times I think there is no worse or better time for the piggies.
Your piggies don't dislike you -they just need time to learn to trust you.
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