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A Baffling Skin Condition/disease [pics]

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hi everyone!

About a month ago I wrote an entry about my boar Napoleon losing hair on his bum, and how I went to different vets to get him checked. You can read it here:


I just want to give you guys a quick update. I've now visited 3 vets. Every single one of them agreed that Napoleon indeed did NOT have any mites. But to be sure, I made the vet give him his 3 injections anyway with Ivermectin.

This did not help at all, and Napoleon do still have his bald spot on his bum. But good news is, Napoleon is thriving. He has not lost any weight, is eating like always (having a great appetite like always), is not scratching himself, is not losing anymore hair, does not have any soars and enjoys having snuggle and floortime.


So I've decided that I am not going to take him to anymore vets for this, if he keeps thriving like he does. It's stressing him alot to being transported from place to place, and I have a feeling that he sees and feels my anxiousness towards his health. I am now going to focus on giving him a great life, instead of whatever is wrong with his skin and fur.


I think that the his condition might be an imbalance in his skin, which causes him to have alot of scales, even though his skin looks perfectly fine, and not dry at all. But for now, I'll wait and see, and enjoy him as the fantastic piggie boar he is.


I want to thank everyone who helped me find information about whatever would be the cause of the hairloss!

Oh yeah, and his brother Ramund says hi, and is perfectly healthy!

I am sorry that you haven't been able to get to the bottom of what is causing it. Some skin problems can be very frustrating!
Hi everyone!

About a month ago I wrote an entry about my boar Napoleon losing hair on his bum, and how I went to different vets to get him checked. You can read it here:


I just want to give you guys a quick update. I've now visited 3 vets. Every single one of them agreed that Napoleon indeed did NOT have any mites. But to be sure, I made the vet give him his 3 injections anyway with Ivermectin.

This did not help at all, and Napoleon do still have his bald spot on his bum. But good news is, Napoleon is thriving. He has not lost any weight, is eating like always (having a great appetite like always), is not scratching himself, is not losing anymore hair, does not have any soars and enjoys having snuggle and floortime.


So I've decided that I am not going to take him to anymore vets for this, if he keeps thriving like he does. It's stressing him alot to being transported from place to place, and I have a feeling that he sees and feels my anxiousness towards his health. I am now going to focus on giving him a great life, instead of whatever is wrong with his skin and fur.


I think that the his condition might be an imbalance in his skin, which causes him to have alot of scales, even though his skin looks perfectly fine, and not dry at all. But for now, I'll wait and see, and enjoy him as the fantastic piggie boar he is.


I want to thank everyone who helped me find information about whatever would be the cause of the hairloss!

Oh yeah, and his brother Ramund says hi, and is perfectly healthy!


I am pleased I found your thread, as my pig has also got white scales coming from his fur. He has been to the vets etc...but I also cant find anything wrong. He is fine in himself and eats well so I have determined it must just be piggy dandruff...he never scratches and no hair loss either.

If you every manage to find what is up with him I would be grateful if you could let me know. And vice-versa.
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