£59.40 to go till I can buy my new hutch. Selling on Ebay to raise funds

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Yip £59.40 left to raise selling my unwanted stuff on ebay. I could quite easily go out and buy a hutch but I decided at New Year that I would never buy on my credit card and large purchases should be saved for as I am forever wanting more more more. Easy come easy go!

So I have cut up my credit card, paying that off with money from my account each month and saving like mad for things I want.. and theres too many things I want :-\

Don't get me wrong - I'm not spiolt or have pots of money, the amount I have to pay back is rediculous and leaves my with just enough to cover the bills but i'm on to it now.. anyway - my debt is another forum!

This way is fun and i feel like i'm getting 'something for nothing' If I ever reach my target!
You do know you can post the Ebay link to your items on the wanted and selling board don't you? :)
Well done. You're doing great!

We have pots now to save our money, holiday, going out and my chair!
Squeaky, we have a couple of spare hutches if you are interested - they are both 4ft wide, one is a rabbit Shack (a bit chewed!) and the other is similar... you are very welcome to have one if you want. Whereabouts are you?
Aw thanks for the offer but I have my heart set on the cage i want.. Been dreaming about it actually - woke up this morning in an awful panic because I thought it might blow over :-\

Again thanks.. really kind of you :)

till I can buy the hutch and more things ending today.. i'm so chuffed - this is fun!

I have had my few items end this afternoon and have been raiding my little piggy bank.. and we're talking siver coins (I must be desperate!) not really I'm just having fun seeing the tally go down! I have also logged onto my rpoints account and found that I am eligible for a 10% discount with the hutch suppliers if i buy before march 31st so all in all I only have £25.81 to find! Hubby is going to get his copper jar out and we're going to put tht in the machine at Sainsbury's so it will spit £1's back out at us (for a fee.. rotters!) so thats to add.

I hope you all don't mind me keep posting my tally here. it's my way of keeping track of my findings, sharing my excitement of finding the true meaning of money (That hutch when it arrives will be so much more appreciated than if i'd just put it on a credit card, and it is for a brand new spanking hutch for my guinea's in the summer
Well done you, I've got to do the same for my rabbits new hutch - I want a happy hutch one with a run and it's going to be £110 so I need to raise some money to pay for it.

What hutch are you after?
Well done..just curious, what's your ebay name? I like being nosy ;)

Think I might decide a total to save up..just so I can count down really :P Hope you get what I mean..like tell myself to save up £50, then when that's done save up another £50. :P
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